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NSA monitored calls of 35 world leaders after US official handed over contacts

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  • NSA monitored calls of 35 world leaders after US official handed over contacts

    NSA monitored calls of 35 world leaders after US official handed over contacts
    • Agency given more than 200 numbers by government official
    • NSA encourages departments to share their 'Rolodexes'
    • Surveillance produced 'little intelligence', memo acknowledges

    The Guardian

    James Ball


    The National Security Agency monitored the phone conversations of 35 world leaders after being given the numbers by an official in another US government department, according to a classified document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

    The confidential memo reveals that the NSA encourages senior officials in its "customer" departments, such the White House, State and the Pentagon, to share their "Rolodexes" so the agency can add the phone numbers of leading foreign politicians to their surveillance systems.

    The document notes that one unnamed US official handed over 200 numbers, including those of the 35 world leaders, none of whom is named. These were immediately "tasked" for monitoring by the NSA.

    The revelation is set to add to mounting diplomatic tensions between the US and its allies, after the German chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday accused the US of tapping her mobile phone.

    After Merkel's allegations became public, White House press secretary Jay Carney issued a statement that said the US "is not monitoring and will not monitor" the German chancellor's communications. But that failed to quell the row, as officials in Berlin quickly pointed out that the US did not deny monitoring the phone in the past.

    The NSA memo obtained by the Guardian suggests that such surveillance was not isolated, as the agency routinely monitors the phone numbers of world leaders – and even asks for the assistance of other US officials to do so.

    The memo, dated October 2006 and which was issued to staff in the agency's Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID), was titled "Customers Can Help SID Obtain Targetable Phone Numbers".

    It begins by setting out an example of how US officials who mixed with world leaders and politicians could help agency surveillance.

    "In one recent case," the memo notes, "a US official provided NSA with 200 phone numbers to 35 world leaders … Despite the fact that the majority is probably available via open source, the PCs [intelligence production centers] have noted 43 previously unknown phone numbers. These numbers plus several others have been tasked."

    The document continues by saying the new phone numbers had helped the agency discover still more new contact details to add to their monitoring: "These numbers have provided lead information to other numbers that have subsequently been tasked."

    But the memo acknowledges that eavesdropping on the numbers had produced "little reportable intelligence". In the wake of the Merkel row, the US is facing growing international criticism that any intelligence benefit from spying on friendly governments is far outweighed by the potential diplomatic damage.

    The memo then asks analysts to think about any customers they currently serve who might similarly be happy to turn over details of their contacts.

    "This success leads S2 [signals intelligence] to wonder if there are NSA liaisons whose supported customers may be willing to share their 'Rolodexes' or phone lists with NSA as potential sources of intelligence," it states. "S2 welcomes such information!"


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Snowden: NSA keeps record of every telephone call in the United States

    The Hill

    Brendan Sasso


    National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden on Thursday disputed Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-Calif.) claim that the government's phone record collection program is not "surveillance."

    "Today, no telephone in America makes a call without leaving a record with the NSA. Today, no Internet transaction enters or leaves America without passing through the NSA's hands," Snowden said in a statement Thursday.

    "Our representatives in Congress tell us this is not surveillance. They're wrong."

    Snowden didn't mention Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, by name, but she has said repeatedly that the NSA's program to collect records on all U.S. phone calls is not a surveillance program.

    "The call-records program is not surveillance," she wrote in an op-ed in USA Today this week. "It does not collect the content of any communication, nor do the records include names or locations."

    She said the NSA only collects phone numbers, call times and call durations.

    "The Supreme Court has held this 'metadata' is not protected under the Fourth Amendment," Feinstein wrote, referring to the court's 1972 decision in Smith v. Maryland.

    The existence of the phone record collection program was one the most controversial revelations from Snowden's leaks earlier this year. Many lawmakers, including Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), have expressed outrage that the NSA is collecting records on millions of Americans not under any suspicion of wrongdoing.

    Snowden provided his statement to the American Civil Liberties Union to promote a rally the group is holding on Saturday along with other civil liberties groups in Washington.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Spying between friends 'just not done': Merkel



      AFP - German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the target of US snooping on her mobile phone, said Thursday that such conduct between friends was unacceptable.

      "Spying between friends, that's just not done," Merkel said as she arrived for a two-day EU leaders summit where the growing spy scandal has hijacked the agenda.

      View the complete article, including photo, at:
      B. Steadman

