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Obama's Race for the Cure -- Time Magazine, Nancy Gibbs

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  • Obama's Race for the Cure -- Time Magazine, Nancy Gibbs

    Obama's Race for the Cure

    The President's second term may hinge on how fast his health care reform can recover

    Time Magazine

    Nancy Gibbs
    12/2/2013 (Subscriber content preview)


    A good President needs a big comfort zone. He should be able to treat enemies as opportunities, appear authentic in joy and grief, stay cool under the hot lights. But humility doesn't come naturally to those who decide they are qualified to run the free world. So the sign that the Obama presidency had reached a turning point came not when his poll numbers sank or his allies shuddered or the commentariat went hunting for the right degree of debacle to compare to the rollout of Obamacare.

    It happened when he started apologizing. In triplicate. For not knowing what was going on in his own Administration. For failing to prevent his signature achievement from detonating in prime time. For not telling the whole truth when he promised people that Obamacare would not touch them without permission: "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."
    - (bold and color emphasis added in preceding two paragraphs and in the publication name)

    Obama's supporters can decry a "feeding frenzy," but this is a critical moment for a President whose agenda for a second term amounted to little more than being not as lame as the other guy. The website may or may not get fixed on deadline, the senior staff may be booted and rebooted, but it is already too late to avoid a pageant of media scrutiny, Republican merriment, a rebuke even from Bill Clinton and a host of existential questions: Can this policy be saved? What is left of Obama's second term if it is consumed by fixing an unpopular policy from the first? How could a White House appear so confident and incompetent at the same time?

    View the complete article at:,00.html
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obamacare Then, Affordable Care Act Now

    The Washington Free Beacon

    David Rutz


    The term “Obamacare” has largely disappeared from the mouths of Democrats as the president’s health care reform law has gone from a rallying cry to a political grenade.

    President Obama once said he embraced the phrase on the 2012 campaign trail, telling supporters, “I do care.” As recently as Nov. 8, Obama predicted to a laughing crowd in New Orleans that his political opponents would stop using the term once the law became popular.

    “I know health care is controversial, so there’s only going to be so much support we get on that on a bipartisan basis — until it’s working really well, and then they’re going to stop calling it Obamacare,” he said. “They’re going to call it something else.”

    However, it has seemed to change names with the Democrats instead as the law’s popularity has slumped to new lows in the wake of Obama’s broken promises, rising premiums, insurance cancellations and a disastrous rollout. Obama’s approval rating has also plummeted as a result.

    During an apologetic press conference Nov. 14, Obama referred to his law as the Affordable Care Act 12 times but did not say “Obamacare” once. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who has referred to the law as Obamacare in the past, told Meet the Press host David Gregory that she “always” referred to it as the Affordable Care Act during an interview Sunday, and other Democrats are backing off the term as well.

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      ObamaCare Website Opens Door For Mass Identity Theft

      Canada Free Press

      Judi McLeod


      The nightmare world of propaganda and psych ops the Obama administration uses to frighten its citizens into mass subjugation has just exploded into daytime reality.

      In an era where Identity Theft is ruining lives, the headline warning from yesterday’s is the ObamaCare Website is Like ‘IdentityTheft.Gov.

      “Security: Computer security experts testify that the unfinished health care marketplace portal places the personal information of millions at risk on a poorly designed and built site that is a hacker’s dream.” (, Nov. 20, 2013)

      “Not only is the poorly designed and still only partially built ObamaCare website, vulnerable to attack by computer hackers, it already may have been compromised, cybersecurity expert David Kennedy told a House Science, Space & Technology Committee hearing on Tuesday.

      “Hackers are definitely after it,” said Kennedy, CEO of data security firm Trusted SEC. “And if I had to guess, based on what I can see…I would say the website is either hacked already or will be soon.”

      What kind of government would lay bare the lives of its own citizens to online marauding identity thieves? The answer to the question is chilling when it becomes obvious that it is an evil rather than stupid one.

      Obama’s latest defense of is that he’s going to “fix” it. How do you fix the Fukushima of the online world?

      Experts who even ran a hacker demonstration showing congressmen how sensitive information, including Social Security numbers, birthdays, incomes, home mortgages and home addresses, testified on the risks in some 500 million lines of untested computer code, which Obama and his Democrats charged back $600-million and still counting to American taxpayers.

      With some congressmen reeling with shock, Rep. Mo Brooks, (R-Ala.) called the ObamaCare website the “mother lode for identity theft.”

      “Morgan Wright, a cyberterrorism expert and CEO of Crowd Sourced Investigations, said trying to fix a line of code could open up a “Pandora’s box” of unintended consequences and security risks, and that changing a website on the fly was not a good idea.”

      In other words, following the advice of the government’s unvetted “navigators”, which include former members of Acorn, would be akin to being led to the poor house.

      The report coincides in real time with another report from investigators at James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, which reveals how Enroll America is using ObamaCare data to organize Democrat election campaigns.

      In days of yore, folk out on the road had to worry about robbers waiting around the next bend to steal their personal property and even their very lives in the era of The Highway Man.

      Today innocent people following government rule to buy government-imposed health insurance they don’t want but are forced to purchase under threat of fine and prison are being ripped off by the suit-wearing bureaucrats of a seated government.


      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman

