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A Hate Crime in Texas -- FrontPage Magazine, Colin Flaherty

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  • A Hate Crime in Texas -- FrontPage Magazine, Colin Flaherty

    A Hate Crime in Texas

    FrontPage Magazine

    Colin Flaherty


    First came the shock. Then disbelief. Then the questions: Why him? Why now? Why did Attorney General Holder choose to file hate crime charges against a white man in Texas for allegedly playing the Knockout Game against a black man?

    And the biggest question of all: When will public officials and the media stop ignoring — and denying — the black mob violence and black on white crime that exists exponentially out of proportion?

    As examples, many point to recent episodes of large scale black mob violence; smaller but lethal cases of black on white crime; and even more bouts of the Knockout Game.

    Let’s start in Los Angeles, two weeks before Christmas. At first seemed it like nothing: The Los Angeles Times called it a fraternity brawl among 25 people with no particular racial identity at a local hotel and no one hurt. The local CBS affiliate talked to the fraternity president who also downplayed the violence: It was just a few guys trying to “impress the females.”

    By the next day, a different picture emerged: More than 1000 people were fighting in and out of the hotel. Before during and after the party. Video showed one person throwing a large metal table into a crowd of party -goers. People got hurt, at least one person was hospitalized for stitches.

    The local ABC affiliate cobbled it together:
    According to hotel management, the fight broke out between two different fraternities. Police said everything from fists, tables and chairs were thrown. Some witnesses said fights occurred on several floors of the hotel. They also said police used pepper spray on the crowds.

    “It was pretty bad. The whole party was engulfed in pepper spray. You could feel it in your lungs,” said one witness.

    Authorities say the pepper spray was used when the partygoers refused to cooperate.

    Other hotel residents said the violence and commotion went on all night inside the hotel.

    The party was sponsored by a black fraternity at Cal State Long Beach. No one was arrested.

    Near Charlotte, North Carolina, four black people are under arrest in the shooting death of Marcus Kauffman, a volunteer firefighter and expectant father. Kauffman died a few days before Christmas.

    At the University of Michigan, three black people were charged in December with the murder of a medical student during a home invasion robbery.

    On December 15, Dustin Friedland and his wife were leaving a New Jersey mall when a group of black people allegedly killed him and took his SUV. The New York Daily News filled in a few blanks:
    Friedland, a beloved husband and lawyer from Hoboken, had just finished loading holiday gifts into his silver 2012 Range Rover when two men ambushed him so they could steal the SUV. He never had a chance — the men shot him four times before he had a chance to resist or question his greedy attackers.

    Police arrested four black people are few days before Christmas and charged them with murder.

    Many public officials and members of the media deny there is any kind of systematic problem with black mob violence or black and white crime. Their sympathetic denials do not protect them.

    In Washington, D.C., in December, several black people severely beat a CNN news producer walking the two blocks from his home to work at 4 a.m. He said he will never walk in that neighborhood again.

    In Minneapolis at the Mall of America, several black people beat and robbed one of the area’s more visible liberal politicians. Just about a month after Mark Andrew finished second in the November race for mayor of Minneapolis, he was sitting in a Starbucks when someone grabbed his phone and ran out of the store.
    As Andrew ran after the thief, two young women waiting outside the coffee shop tackled him, and one began beating him on the head and face with a club.

    Andrew said he jumped back to his feet and physically restrained one attacker while the other continued striking him. They yelled, “We’re going to kill you! We’re going to kill you!”

    When police arrived, the two black women said they were the victims: Andrew had attacked them. That story did not hold up very well and the two were arrested.

    Andrew was taken to the hospital where he received nine stitches. The third person is still at large. They don’t have to worry too much: Andrew is not mad at them: “I think there’s redemption for everybody,” said Andrew. “So we’ll try to find a way for them to get in a place where they can turn their lives around.”

    So far Andrew and his social reformers have not had much success with that in Minneapolis. The Mall of America has been the site of several examples of black mob violence. Many documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.

    Here’s how one resident describes the New Minneapolis:
    Formerly bustling suburbs like Robbinsdale and St. Louis Park have turned into ghettos. Malls, restaurants and shops are few and far between in downtown areas.

    Even the Mall of America is under assault. Go there on a Saturday afternoon and you’ll see gangs of blacks with colors flying and pant legs rolled up.

    They ogle, whistle at and harass white women, even following them around. They occupy the food courts, which are a constant source of intimidation and mayhem.

    Last January, some 200 blacks got into a violent chair throwing fracas at one of the food courts. It quickly spread to other areas, forcing
    stores to close their gates and paying customers to flee. There was cell phone video all over the Internet, showing conclusively that the combatants were black.

    We’ll never know if there were any arrests made or charges filed because the print and broadcast media had little to say.

    And downtown Minneapolis and the campus of the University of Minnesota have been the site of several recent examples of black mob violence and black on white crime.

    In December, Minneapolis police told a Chinese exchange student they were “too busy” to investigate the whereabouts of her stolen computer, even though she had located it using a built-in GPS device.

    Several black people had assaulted her, knocked her out, and taken her computer several days before. Campus police followed up on the lead and found the computer. They arrested one person, who said he took the computer but someone else assaulted her.

    She is just one of dozens of victims of black on white and black and asian violence near the campus. The University of Minnesota school paper reports that black students are unhappy the assailants are identified by race — as is required in the Cleary law for reporting violence on college campuses. They say they are being profiled.

    Down in Jacksonville, Florida, a “massive” Christmas night fight and riot erupted in and out of a movie theater after 600 black people — many waiting to see a Nelson Mandela movie — tried to gain free admission by rushing the ticket taker.

    Private security and police used tear gas on the rioters. According to the Florida Times-Union out of Jacksonville:
    One of the young suspects refused orders to leave and began to incite the crowd yelling, “— — you, crackers, I ain’t going nowhere,” according to her arrest report. Most of the crowd was black, while several officers were white.

    According to, a black web site, “the pepper spray is what apparently sparked the brawl that broke out.”

    Some would say the riot provoked the pepper spray, not the other way around.

    During the 90 minutes it took to get the fighting under control, several of the rioters threatened attacked police, including Jaquade Marquis Miller.

    When Miller appeared before a judge, his mother told the court he was a good boy and this was not like him. She later told reporters her son was crying and scared.

    Instead of sending him to jail, Miller agreed to take an eight-week course in accountability from a group called Save Our Sons. The program teaches accountability, “healthy choices” and “gives them a chance to vent,” said SOS leaders.

    Jacksonville has been the scene of several episodes of recent large scale black mob violence. In 2012, 300 black people stormed a Wal-Mart, looted it, videoed it, and ran away as police arrived. But not before the chaos was captured on video.

    On Memorial Day 2013, hundreds of black people were involved in large scale violence at the beach. Much of it on video.

    Self-described youth advocate, Donteacia Seymore of Jacksonville, told First Coast News this kind of violence happens a lot in Jacksonville: “But it was a reminder that this is something that’s common. It’s prevalent. It’s not going away,” Seymore said.


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    B. Steadman