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Income Inequality: The Left's Next Big Con -- American Thinker, Jeffrey T. Brown

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  • Income Inequality: The Left's Next Big Con -- American Thinker, Jeffrey T. Brown

    Income Inequality: The Left's Next Big Con

    American Thinker

    Jeffrey T. Brown


    With the possible exception of global warming fraud, it would be difficult to identify another major political issue more dependent upon innumerable, uncontrollable variables than the difference in what two persons might earn or deserve. In the case of both ideological causes, anyone claiming to have measured the variables, predicted them or solved for them in concocting a solution is nothing but a con artist.

    And what do con men do? They steal. Theft of rights or property is the primary instrument of left-imposed equality of any sort. The left sees this as necessary because we have equal rights, but not equal individual qualities. Nature has no capacity for equality of income, because it has no capacity for equality of results in unequal equations.

    If you cannot fathom that this is true for hundreds of millions of people, then make your sample size much more manageable. Consider any family having two or more children. Let us presume that the family remained intact, that all of the children were raised by the same parents, and that all were subjected to the same or similar influences. Can you honestly say that you know any such sample set in which they all turned out just the same? The same personality? The same work ethic? The same ability to weather difficulty? The same determination? The same willingness of effort? All of them? Don't be ridiculous. By the time any of them passes through the same numeric age, let's say 40, each has made millions of decisions, influenced by tens of millions of circumstances that are purely singular and unique to the individual, his personal qualities, and the soundness of his judgment.

    If people on the left are unhappy about their lot in life, being rewarded with the inverse of their deficit magically becomes a "right." They believe that it is their right to an equal outcome for unequal output, because that would be more "fair" to them. Sadly, the perpetuation of this equality myth is a direct product of Intellect Inequality. Or perhaps it is Integrity Inequality. To some degree, it is likely both. To the extent any person thinks that the Obama Administration, which thus far has only punished achievement, can magically equalize outcomes, he or she is a nitwit, believing in lies and impossibilities, a carrier of Intellect Inequality.

    However, if the beneficiary of this scheme still clamors for its implementation with knowledge of the falsity of its premise, then the problem is Integrity Inequality. Such a person knows that the only way to be given as much for doing nothing as is earned by the person who borrowed and repaid tens of thousands for his education or business, and then worked to improve his own lot for decades, is to steal it.

    Of course, such a person rests easy knowing that he need not risk getting shot during a burglary, since the government will be carrying out the theft under the guise of protecting a right it just fabricated out of whole cloth to buy votes in pursuit of its own limitless power. In fact, in the ultimate irony, it is actually the victim of the theft who risks punishment and possible imprisonment if, when the new right is declared, he refuses to go along with the newest hoax. When government personnel become mob enforcers for their favorites, it ceases being government, and simply becomes a crime syndicate. At that point, which has arrived, it's time for a new government.

    If we are being less charitable than attributing this hoax to misguided liberal fantasy, then we could honestly ascribe this effort to the opportunistic exploitation by the left of the hopeless numbskulls who have sold their souls to liars who promise income equality. No one advocating for income equality can even say what that is, or how it can possibly be achieved, but no matter. The intellectually deficient will vote for liars who promise the impossible. Burying that impossibility will be the objective of the con. Thus, we will skip the equation, or any discussion of it, and go right to the end result. Which changes nothing. The only way to equalize a financial outcome is by stealing from life's winners to give to life's thieves and crybabies, referred to euphemistically as liberals, or progressives.

    I thought the left loved evolution. Isn't evolution premised upon survival of the fittest, that those who did not strive, adapt and prevail were destined for extinction? Success takes strength, risk, and reward. Nature hands nothing to the eventual survivor. Survival, as measured by the length and success of one's life, is earned. Of course, I was wrong. Progressivism is the antithesis of true evolution. They only believe in evolution because it contradicts creationism. The left has rejected natural law, because natural law puts the burden of success or failure on each individual, rather than coercive, collective force. The intellectual and moral dwarves are winners on the left, but only as long as there are enough of them.

    By the way, for those with no short term memory, aren't we just now grasping the consequences of indulging the creation of fake liberal rights via Obamacare? All theory, no substance. All feelings, no brains. All rainbows and unicorns, but no suffering. All theft, no punishment, except of the bloodied victim. Isn't that the product of every liberally concocted "right"? Theft from one to give to another? Somehow, common sense, wisdom and experience are so offensive to the left that they have been banished for generations. In their place, the ugliest aspects of human nature are the left's precious virtues. Greed, envy, resentment, bitterness, jealousy, hatred, anger, covetousness... in a word, entitlement. Every single liberal, progressive scheme is merely the larcenous decision by some that they deserve to take what others have earned.

    This is the true core of the left. They are the living embodiment, indeed the celebration, of the timeless defects of human nature. In the end, as built upon mountains of lies, inconsistencies, contradictions, and hypocrisy, isn't liberal progressivism simply a cult of thieving losers looking to even the score with those who have surpassed them? It is for these that our magnificent country is being destroyed.


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    B. Steadman