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Payback: Obama's America 2016 Author Indicted For Violating Election Law

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  • Payback: Obama's America 2016 Author Indicted For Violating Election Law

    Payback: Obama's America 2016 Author Indicted For Violating Election Law

    Birther Report



    I wonder if usurping the highest office in the land with forged documents violate any U.S. election laws?

    Reuters reports: Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law

    ( Reuters) - Dinesh D'Souza, a conservative commentator and best-selling author, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for arranging excessive campaign contributions to a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

    According to an indictment made public on Thursday in federal court in Manhattan, D'Souza around August 2012 reimbursed people who he had directed to contribute $20,000 to the candidate's campaign. The candidate was not named in the indictment.

    Attempts to reach D'Souza and a lawyer representing him were unsuccessful.

    D'Souza was charged in the indictment with one count of making illegal contributions in the names of others, and one count of causing false statements to be made.

    Federal law in 2012 limited primary and general election campaign contributions to $2,500 each, for a total of $5,000, from any individual to any one candidate.

    "As we have long said, this Office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process," the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan, Preet Bharara, said in a statement released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Bharara is an Obama appointee. [...] - Continued @ Reuters.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    BRAVO , HOORAY AND ENCORE . This is a start in the right direction ~ now we need to do the same with all the other fraudulent donations , illegal voters , Acorn , ballot box stuffing , etc . We are greatly encouraged that someone is finally making real progress to expose the illegal " occupier " of our capitol and Whitehouse . Let it happen in St . Lucie County , fl. where the voter turnout was 141 % of registered voters . Also in Pennsylvania where several precincts had ZERO votes for Mitt Romney .


    • #3
      The D’Souza Arrest: Obama Adopts the Stalinist Style

      FrontPage Magazine

      Robert Spencer


      I’m no fan of Dinesh D’Souza, but this is ridiculous.

      Dinesh and I locked horns a few years back when he attacked me in his book The Enemy At Home, saying that books like mine should not be written. His line was that Islam was a religion of peace, that pious, morally upright Muslims had been driven to lash out against the U.S. because of the immorality of our pop culture, and that American conservatives should ally with what he termed “conservative Muslims” against their common, amoral Leftist foe.

      He and I debated this at CPAC in 2007 and on several radio shows, which grew increasingly heated as he charged me with “Islamophobia” (a term used by Muslim Brotherhood entities to stigmatize opposition to jihad terror) and invoked Saudi-funded Islamic apologist John Esposito as an authority.

      The ensuing years have only shown more vividly what nonsense Dinesh’s position was, as “conservative Muslims” the world over wage jihad against America, and non-Muslims everywhere, more furiously than ever.

      I rehash all this to show the falsehood of the line that has been circulating around in the Leftist media ever since Dinesh D’Souza was indicted: that only people who share D’Souza’s views are concerned about his indictment. As Tal Kopan put it in Politico, “In the wake of the indictment of conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza for alleged fraud, conservatives are crying foul that it is evidence of the Obama administration punishing its critics.”

      Liberals should be as concerned about this as conservatives. Foes of jihad should be just as concerned about it as those who share D’Souza’s worries about “Islamophobia.” For the evidence is mounting that D’Souza has indeed been targeted for being a public and high-profile foe of Barack Obama – a development that should disquiet anyone who believes in the value of a stable, functioning republic with a loyal opposition. Pamela Geller notes here that D’Souza is not remotely the only conservative or Obama critic who has been targeted for prosecution, while Obama’s Justice Department has turned a blind eye to illegal campaign contributions from Gaza during Obama’s 2008 campaign. And then there was the Obama Justice Department’s dismissal of the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case.

      What’s more, bail for D’Souza was set higher than that given to several people accused of attempted murder, rape, assault, and the like. To whom is Dinesh D’Souza more dangerous than a man who sexually assaulted a teenager, or a man who kept old men captive in a filthy “dungeon”?

      This is something new in American politics. When I was six years old, I took notice of the presidential campaign, and asked my father who was the “good guy”: Richard Nixon or Hubert Humphrey. My father answered, “They’re both good men. They both want to do what is right for the country. They just disagree on what some of the right things to do may be.”

      That kind of respect for the opposition was commonplace in America back in 1968, but it has all but vanished now. I remember being taken aback in college by the obscene, relentless, vicious hatred that the Left directed toward Ronald Reagan – I was at that time entirely sympathetic with their disdain for him, but the frenzy with which they expressed it, their wild furious contempt, shocked me. And that was nothing compared to what they had in store for George W. Bush. The Democratic Party as a whole, along with the entire Leftist establishment, adopted the Alinskyite tactic of ridiculing, mocking and smearing their foes instead of engaging them on the level of ideas. Leftists now routinely portray their opponents as simultaneously stupid and evil, idiotic but crafty; it’s practically a reflex.

      Decades of this have poisoned the well of American politics, and paved the way for Obama to take the demonization to the next level by unleashing the law on them. Arresting prominent members of the opposition is the kind of behavior we have seen from the likes of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler; it is a hallmark of authoritarianism, not (until now) of politics in the United States. Of course, Stalin and Hitler didn’t stop with arresting their foes; they had them murdered as well, usually after a show trial. Obama is not doing that, but is even one step down this road one that Americans want to take?

      .................................................. .....

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        D'Souza Producer: 'I Never Feared My Govt Until Now'


        Greg Richter


        Gerald Molen, the producer of Dinesh D'Souza's documentary film "2016: Obama's America," says he never feared his government before he learned that D'Souza is under federal investigation for election fraud.

        According to an indictment made public Thursday, D'Souza is accused of contributing $20,000 to a political campaign in 2012, even though the legal limit is $5,000. D'Souza allegedly promised to reimburse others if they would contribute to a candidate widely believed to be Wendy Long of New York. Long, a Republican, ran unsuccessfully against Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in 2012 for New York's U.S. Senate seat.

        D'Souza's lawyer has said his client "at worst" was guilty of an act of misguided friendship.

        Some, including Molen, believe the indictment is political payback for D'Souza's film, which was critical of President Barack Obama. Among other things, it raised questions about whether Obama had embraced the anti-colonial philosophy of his father and said his future actions could be predicted based on that philosophy.

        "I'm a little bit taken aback by the whole thing because he's such a great American," Molen said of D'Souza on Newmax TV's "Steve Malzberg Show." The conservative writer and commentator understands the process in America and how it works, Molen said.

        Molen, who also produced the Academy-award winning "Schindler's List," said he has not spoken to D'Souza since he learned of the indictment, and wouldn't make comments about the specific case until he's learned all the facts.

        Still, he said he would not be surprised if the probe is politically motivated.

        Asked by Malzberg if he ever felt threatened or had any feelings they should not have been making the film, Molen answered, "No. This is America. I've never had that feeling," adding, "I've never had the occasion to think that I had to fear my government. I never had the thought that I had reason to think I had to look over my shoulder until now."

        But, he said, he wouldn't be intimidated out of pursuing future projects.


        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman

