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The Scam of Amnesty, a Political Hot Potato

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  • The Scam of Amnesty, a Political Hot Potato

    The Scam of Amnesty, a Political Hot Potato

    Canada Free Press

    Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh


    “You can’t have open borders as long as you have a welfare state.” – Milton Friedman

    As a legal immigrant who waited patiently across the ocean to receive my permission to immigrate to the U.S., I understand the plight of over four million forgotten legal immigrants who are awaiting patiently the disposition of their cases, while the Immigration office works the backlog of applications, some as old as twenty years.

    But do pro-amnesty pundits, lobbyists, MSM talking heads, Republicans, Democrats, Big Labor, Big Corporations, and other interested groups refer to this situation when they label our immigration system “broken?”

    I was curious and decided to do a random survey of people on the streets of D.C., in stores, and by written request on various social networks, assuring those polled that their answers will remain anonymous. My two questions were simple:

    Do you believe that the current immigration system is “broken” and why?
    Will amnesty of millions of illegal aliens hurt/help this country and why?

    The large majority of Democrats polled believed that our immigration system is broken; they could not tell me why they thought it broken, with the exception of a few very confident individuals who blamed the current level of illegal immigration on former President George W. Bush.

    Most of the Democrats I polled told me that amnesty is the humane thing to do, it is social justice, it is spreading the wealth, and it will help our country and our economy by bringing the exploited taxpaying illegals out of the shadows, the “undocumented” poor who deserve our respect, justice, and citizenship because they do the jobs Americans refuse to do.

    A few self-described Democrats stated that it is un-American to have borders, everyone should be allowed to come and go as they please because we live in a global community, with global citizens, and global commerce.

    Republicans, independents, and libertarians gave me more specific, lengthy answers backed by some logical arguments. The majority were in agreement that our immigration system is not broken – our immigration laws have not been enforced for a long time and they certainly are not enforced currently. A few argued that the immigration system is broken for various reasons.

    When 92 million Americans are unemployed, it is hardly wise to import more poverty from Mexico and other third world nations. It is true that they work hard and for lesser wages but they have a wife and several children at home who may draw Social Security benefits, Medicaid, SNAP, EBT, WIC, receive free education for their children, causing a drag on the economy. If there are no jobs for Americans, how will the new immigrants survive without government help? Our government will increase our taxes, and it has, causing us all to live in poverty.

    Democrats believe that amnesty will buy them 12 more million votes since South American illegal immigrants believe in socialism and financial dependence on big government, it is the only system they understand.

    Republicans believe that amnesty will bring some voters to their side if they change their platform to a left of center ideology and get rid of the “annoying Tea Party.” The GOP will receive support from wealthy donors, the Chamber of Commerce, and Big Business, who clamor for cheap labor.

    A few thought the current immigration system is “broken” because the process is expensive, it is very lengthy, fails to vet people properly, and it does not enforce policies consistently across the board, exceptions are made all the time in the name of diversity and multiculturalism, bringing in dangerous and potential jihadis.

    The border police have an impossible task to protect our borders. The quandary is that, if officers do follow the law they swore to uphold, contrary to this administration’s executive orders and directives to allow illegals across the border, the border patrol officers lose their jobs.

    Immigration is supposed to benefit the American people, the American citizens, not illegal immigrants who have broken our laws by crossing the border illegally. If we reward bad behavior and do not secure the border, a new wave of immigrants will occur on the assumption that they will also be rewarded with amnesty, legal status, and American citizenship.

    “Immigration should be based on our need for skilled labor, not their want for free government handouts. We used to be a land of freedom and opportunity – now we have become the land of free handouts and debt.”

    One respondent said that deportations should occur according to the law and without the interference from the DOJ who interprets such matters according to their own agenda.

    Should we give legal status and citizenship to people who have no respect for our laws, our culture, our history, and have no intention of assimilating and learning English?

    “C,” a staunch conservative, mentioned that not all illegals are our Christian “cousins” from Mexico. It is estimated that 9 million illegal Muslims from the Middle East, pretending to be Mexicans, have poured into the U.S. through the southern border. They learned Spanish, applied for public assistance, and have fanned across the U.S. in the last 20-25 years. The Border Patrol reported that OTMs (other than Mexicans) were pouring across the border by the thousands every month as far back as the 1980s.

    WND reported in 2010 that illegals coming from Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen have breached the 2,000 mile U.S. border from California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

    Similar reports of OTMs arrested at the U.S. border were published by and

    According to Jerry Kammer, “The majority of OTMs arrests were made near the Texas border, and the vast majority were from Central America, especially Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.”

    “Laura” brought up the Muslim refugees from Somalia and other Middle Eastern countries who are brought here, given apartments, 2 years of living expenses, and free ObamaCare, while our own U.S. citizens are out of work, losing their homes because they cannot pay their mortgages, and are faced with the possibility of living in the streets.

    One male respondent described an ugly and dangerous facet of crashing our borders - the drug lords from Mexico forcing illegal immigrants to sell drugs in the U.S. under threat of killing their families left in Mexico.

    The practice of birthright citizenship should be overturned thus ending pregnancy tourism which costs the United States dearly over time in welfare, free education, free healthcare, and free Social Security benefits without ever having paid into the system. Some hospitals in California had to close their doors; they were no longer able to absorb the free health care losses from anchor babies and extended families.

    Legalizing low-level workers with an average 10th grade education will expand the dependent class that the rest of productive Americans must support. They will likely take jobs away from lower skilled Americans who are already having a hard time finding jobs in this contracting economy.

    “D” opined that, by the time the permanent Democrat voter majority will be established through blanket amnesty, it may take generations to reverse the political damage and, the so-called “living and breathing” Constitution would have likely expired.

    One contributor gauged the current immigration system as having ceased to exist. If something is broken, it assumes that it can be fixed. How can something be fixed when even the word “illegal” is taken out of usage? Promoting lawlessness is not a good practice. ”Amnesty will assure that millions of old uneducated and dirt poor relatives of newly minted ‘citizens’ will move to this country, overwhelming culture, language, and even religion on which this country was built, drawing benefits that this country will not be able to provide.”

    Several respondents agreed that the immigration system is not broken, it may just need tweaking, such as increasing H1B work visas. Some immigrants just want to work here and then return home. They have no desire to assimilate.

    On the other hand, the increase of H1B visas will dry up opportunities for American college graduates who will now have to compete with educated foreigners on H1B visas who are willing to accept much lower wages. Outsourcing jobs will depress pay even further. A Bangladeshi doctor may be willing to read MRIs and CAT scans emailed during the night from an American hospital for the low pay of $20,000 a year.

    Some of the respondents did not really know what the immigration system really is. Many had no idea that there is such a thing as immigration lottery. I have friends who are now permanent resident and citizens after having won the immigration lottery. Luckily, the winners I know are educated individuals our economy needs.

    “Our immigration criteria require adjustment to continue to accept those who seek the American dream.” Are illegal aliens who refuse to assimilate, live in self-imposed barrios, and do not speak English, interested in embracing the American Dream or are they interested in milking the generous welfare system?

    “We will never be able to build a giant fence due to animal migration as well as other reasons.” I will add that any fence can be easily escalated by a determined person who has already broken the law by leaving their countries without a passport and/or documents.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman