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OBAMACARE DEBACLE - Update 2/7/2014

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  • OBAMACARE DEBACLE - Update 2/7/2014

    Covered California Removes Doctor Lists After KPIX 5 Report Finds Mistakes

    CBS Local - San Francisco



    SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – Covered California is shutting down a major portion of its website after a KPIX 5 ConsumerWatch investigation revealed inaccuracies in their list of doctors accepting insurance.

    On Tuesday, KPIX 5 reported that newly insured Californians could not find doctors on the Covered California website’s list who would accept their plans.

    One East Bay consumer told KPIX 5 he chose an Anthem Blue Cross Plan specifically because the Covered California website said the plan covered a variety of doctors near him. Yet, when he went through three pages of doctors, he could not find a doctor who was on his plan.

    Apparently, the physician lists on the website were not updated. Anthem said it was a mistake and said, “Like other insurers, Anthem will continue to double check its provider lists to improve accuracy.

    Dana Howard of Covered California admitted it was responsible but said, “It really isn’t feasible for Covered California or any entity to check thousands upon thousands of doctors to make sure that the information that they are providing is accurate.”

    On Thursday Covered California said it was taking down the doctor search function on its website. In a statement, the insurance exchange said it “…will discontinue posting of its provider director on its website until further notice after finding errors…”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Ben Carson: Stop, take a breath, recognize Obamacare is flawed

    Washington Examiner / Washington Secrets

    Paul Bedard


    Dr. Ben Carson, a hero among young conservatives and foes of the president's health care law, has announced a new group aimed at dismantling Obamacare.

    “Let's stop, take a deep breath and recognize that it is seriously flawed,” he said in his announcement of the new group Save Our Healthcare.

    It is part of the conservative American Legacy PAC co-chaired by Newt and Callista Gingrich. Carson, a neurosurgeon who has experienced a meteoric rise in the GOP for his stance on Obamacare and other issues, said in an email to supporters on Friday:

    Dear Friend,

    I've got some exciting news to share with you.

    My friends at American Legacy PAC just launched an important new project called Save our Healthcare — and I will be serving as Chairman.

    Let me tell you a bit more about what we'll be doing, and how you can help.

    When I spoke just feet away from President Obama about the dangers of political correctness at last year's National Prayer Breakfast, many were surprised.

    After all, my background is medicine, not politics.

    But it doesn't take a brain surgeon like me to see that America is facing serious problems. And right now, the number one problem is Obamacare.

    Dropped coverage, failing websites, skyrocketing premiums — the list goes on and on.

    I wish I could snap my fingers and make Obamacare disappear tomorrow, but we both know that won't happen.

    That's why we're launching Save our Healthcare — a national citizens' effort to hold Washington accountable, re-center the healthcare debate around doctors and patients, and begin to answer the question of "What's next?" — because real reform is absolutely vital.

    Please join me, and sign our petition at

    It is our goal to recruit every American that believes we can do better than Obamacare, and make sure that our message is received loud and clear by every elected official and candidate in 2014.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The Most Embarrassing Efforts to Spin CBO’s Obamacare Report as ‘Good’ News


      Noah Rothman


      A bombshell Congressional Budget report released this week indicated that the Affordable Care Act will result in the equivalent of 2.5 million workers voluntarily leaving the workforce by 2024, all taking their productivity with them. The report is politically devastating for ACA supporters, and they know it. Their flailing reaction to that report speaks to the adverse impact it could have on Democrats’ political position ahead of the 2014 midterms.

      The last 48 hours have produced some of the finest, most rarified examples of spin the political universe has been privy to in some time. It’s been a veritable windfall for consumers of political discourse who enjoy observing painful rhetorical contortions.

      The majority of those recklessly twisting this impending economic disaster into a welcome development have generally tried to focus on the expanded “opportunity” that will result from creating publicly-funded incentives for people not to work.

      “Many workers, however, will see not having to ‘work for the man’ to get health coverage as liberation,” wrote liberal columnist Froma Harrop, channeling David Crosby.

      She went on to label as “anecdotal” the prediction that “some employers may reduce worker’s hours to avoid paying the employer mandate,” a function of the ACA that has not even taken effect yet. In the following paragraph, however, she said the opportunity provided by not working will allow others to “start the business they’ve always dreamed of,” or allow parents to “spend more time with their children.” Some anecdotes appear are more equal than others.

      The more thoughtful E.J. Dionne took a stab at spinning the news himself. On Thursday, Dionne offered up his own anecdote, one about a 64-year-old looking to work less to spend more time with the kids. “Many on the right love family values until they are taken seriously enough to involve giving parents/workers more control over their lives,” he wrote. I take back what I said about being thoughtful.

      “And it’s sometimes an economic benefit when some share of the labor force reduces hours or stops working altogether,” Dionne added. “At a time of elevated unemployment, others will take their place. The CBO was careful to underscore — the CBO is always careful — that ‘if some people seek to work less, other applicants will be readily available to fill those positions and the overall effect on employment will be muted.’”

      At least that’s an argument, one that can be summed up as essentially: Unemployment will remain virtually as high as it is today when the equivalent of 2.5 million productive workers perform a simple cost/benefit analysis and determine it is in their best interest to cut back on their working hours. Even Dionne might concede that it’s an argument of dubious political utility for Democrats.

      He’s not alone in making the claim that a vast exodus of able workers from the labor market might be a good thing. In U.S. News & World Reports, Danielle Kurtzleben, bravely wrote what she claims we’re all afraid to say:

      What the truth might be, and what few politicians would dare say, is there might simply be some value in lower economic growth.

      (Pause to allow for the reader to regain their composure.)

      She, too, invoked a “64-year-old” for anecdotal purposes, though this one is a “manufacturing worker” who just might be able to “retire a little early” because of the ACA. This “manufacturing worker” has it better than the employees of IBM or AOL, two large firms which announced this week that they were limiting their contributions to their employees’ 401(k) retirement plans as a direct result of the increased operating costs associated with compliance with the ACA.

      After assuring herself that the healthcare reform law will have “zero” impact on productivity over the long run, Kurtzleben asserts that the added happiness and contentment that the ACA will provide the anecdotal figures in her head makes it all worthwhile.

      Then you have Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI), who appeared virtually incoherent Thursday on MSNBC while trying to explain away “pathetic” Republicans accurately quoting the CBO.

      After insisting that 10 million have benefited from the ACA — a figure that is impossible to verify and leads one to conclude she simply made it up — Moore went on to paraphrase the New York Times editorial board which called the federally-funded incentives for people not to work and be supported by those who do “liberating.”

      “You could say people don’t want a promotion, because if they make more money they’ll have to pay more taxes,” Moore said in false equivalence. This makes sense only to those who do not currently pay income taxes on their wages – which may, in fact, be her intended audience.

      A raise, an incentive to work or a reward for hard work, is the precise opposite of a disincentive to work, like being provided taxpayer-funded subsidies which terminate after reaching a certain income threshold. Furthermore, getting a raise that bumps one to a higher income tax bracket does not mean the recipient of that raise will lose money. It means their new earnings and only the new earnings are taxed at a higher rate. This hypothetical person will always make more money after a raise.

      “The Republicans are just so determined that they would come up with any stupid economic argument they can,” she concluded with a bit of psychological projection.


      View the complete article, including video, at:
      B. Steadman

