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Washington ComPost: Obama Had The Birthers; Hollande Now Has The Baptismists

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  • Washington ComPost: Obama Had The Birthers; Hollande Now Has The Baptismists

    Washington ComPost: Obama Had The Birthers; Hollande Now Has The Baptismists

    Birther Report



    Social conservatives are mobilizing in France, leading to talk of a tea party
    Anthony Faiola | Washington Post

    PARIS — Steeped in conservative rage and tasting of grass roots, a political backlash has traditional politicians and the news media asking the once-unthinkable: Is le tea party brewing in France?

    If it were, it would be populated by the likes of Catherine Mas-Mezeran, a Parisian mother of three who wrinkles her nose at the mention of President François Hollande. She calls him “the Socialist,” which, technically, he is. But if President Obama had the birthers, Hollande now has the baptismists.

    Like others in a growing movement here, she firmly believes an unsubstantiated rumor emanating from conservative circles that Hollande may have secretly renounced his Christianity. “He has rejected his baptism,” she said. “This is really shocking.”

    An Elysee Palace spokesman responded, “This rumor is as ridiculous as it is unfounded.”

    The movement’s strength in numbers, however, cannot be ignored. Initially a reaction to a same-sex marriage law passed last year, the movement has morphed into the most sustained mobilization of social conservatives here in more than a generation.

    A reinvigorated right delivered a devastating blow to Hollande in Sunday’s local elections across the country, prompting a humbled Hollande to reshuffle the French government on Monday. He replaced Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault with Interior Minister Manuel Valls, a politician considered more palatable by some on the right.

    Results of the runoff vote showed the far-right National Front scoring its biggest victory ever, taking 11 towns and a major district in Marseille in part by appealing to outraged residents. The left ceded more than 150 other cities to the center-right Union for a Popular Movement (UMP).

    Losses by the Socialists also reflected economic doubts and disenchantment with Hollande. But across Europe — a continent often viewed on the other side of the Atlantic as a bastion of liberal thought — several nations are in the throes of their own full-blown culture wars, and perhaps nowhere are they raging quite as fiercely as in France.

    [...] Continued @ Washington Post. Note to Still here!

    BR/ORYR reader: Someone needs to let the Post Know, 1. Has instead of Had. 2. It's far from Over. 3. In World History a Bamboozle this big, We're not waiting for the Historians to tell us how bad the media has failed in vetting Obama.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-01-2014, 06:40 PM.
    B. Steadman