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Arrest Warrant Issued For Pat Boone; Recall Obama Defied Court Order

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  • Arrest Warrant Issued For Pat Boone; Recall Obama Defied Court Order

    Breaking: Arrest Warrant Issued For Pat Boone; Recall Obama Defied Court Order

    Birther Report



    Breaking News: Arrest Warrant Issued For Pat Boone; Obama Defied Court Order To Appear At Eligibility Hearing

    The levels of hypocrisy surrounding the fraud and soon to be exposed criminal actions intending to hide and cover-up the ineligibility of Barack Obama are so pervasive and audacious that this era in U.S. American history will be studied with much avidity for decades to come. Just when you think you have seen it all, another reporter once again revels in the opportunity to ridicule a “birther”.

    Charles Eugene "Pat" Boone, a successful American entertainer recently had a brush with the law for missing a court hearing while vacationing in Hawaii. As a result, the judge has issued an arrest warrant.

    No one is above the law, however it should be pointed out that the news media should cease and desist from using the pejorative term “birther” to ridicule and silence skeptics merely seeking the truth about Obama’s birth narrative until they are willing to concede their failure to vet Obama. They should include a disclaimer in their reports that they failed to investigate the veracity of the original “birther” claim when Hillary Clinton's camp first raised the issue on the campaign trail in 2008; and also when the results of an official law enforcement investigation declared Obama’s ID documents to be forgeries and fraudulently placed on the White House website to deceive the American public.

    As a plaintiff in one of the many ballot challenges, I exercised my right to compel Obama to produce proof he is who he says he is with certified court records through the legal procedure known as “discovery” and thereby adjudicate his Constitutional eligibility. Unfortunately, justice was not served in my case and Obama flippantly ignored the court-ordered subpoena even after the GA Secretary of State issued a stern warning that lest he appear, his failure would have consequences…”you do so at your own peril.”

    So when Obama has the audacity to defy a court-ordered subpoena, the rule of law is suspended. However, when anyone else does it; the news media accepts the double standard and hypocritically plays the “birther” card with glee. [.] - By Former CNN Producer and GA Ballot Challenge Plaintiff Kevin Richard Powell.

    Newser reports: Pat Boone Is a Wanted Man


    (NEWSER) – Singer, Tea Party activist, and birther Pat Boone can add one more title to his long list: wanted man. There's a warrant out for the 79-year-old after he was subpoenaed to appear in court and failed to show up, TMZ reports. It all relates to a luxury cruise ship's condos, the San Jose Mercury News explains. Investors ended up suing the company building the ship, and the company lost; it was ordered to pay $800,000 in legal costs but allegedly never did, so now the investors are going after people who purchased the condos—including, in TMZ's telling, Boone, hence the court appearance. [...] - Continued @ Newser.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman