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Mozilla CEO resigns, opposition to gay marriage drew fire -- Yahoo News / Reuters

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  • Mozilla CEO resigns, opposition to gay marriage drew fire -- Yahoo News / Reuters

    Mozilla CEO resigns, opposition to gay marriage drew fire

    Yahoo News / Reuters

    Sarah McBride


    SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Mozilla Chief Executive Brendan Eich has stepped down, the company said on Thursday, after an online dating service urged a boycott of the company's web browser because of a donation Eich made to opponents of gay marriage.

    The software company came under fire for appointing Eich as CEO last month. In 2008, he gave money to oppose the legalization of gay marriage in California, a hot-button issue especially at a company that boasts about its policy of inclusiveness and diversity.

    "We didn't act like you'd expect Mozilla to act," wrote Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker in a blog post. "We didn't move fast enough to engage with people once the controversy started. We're sorry."

    The next step for Mozilla's leadership "is still being discussed," she added, with more information to come next week.

    While gay activists applauded the move, many in the technology community lamented the departure of Eich, who invented the programming language Javascript and co-founded Mozilla.

    "Brendan Eich is a good friend of 20 years, and has made a profound contribution to the Web and to the entire world," venture capitalist Marc Andreessen tweeted.

    Eich donated $1,000 in 2008 in support of California's Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage in the state until it was struck down by the Supreme Court in June.

    His resignation came days after, the popular online dating site, called for a boycott of Mozilla Firefox to protest the world's No. 2 Web browser naming a gay marriage opponent as chief executive.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Andrew Sullivan Worries LGBT Movement Becoming Like Religious Right


    Andrew Kirel


    After learning that Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich would resign over his anti-gay marriage views, Andrew Sullivan lamented that perhaps the LGBT movement has become a bit too much like the religious right.

    “The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,” Sullivan wrote of Eich’s resignation.

    Eich’s donation in support of California’s anti-gay marriage amendment has long been the source of controversy. Upon being announced as the browser company’s new chief, LGBT groups began calling for boycotts. Popular dating site OkCupid changed their homepage for Mozilla users to feature a message discouraging members from using the company’s Firefox browser.

    “Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame? Why not the stocks?” Sullivan snarked. “The whole episode disgusts me – as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

    Sullivan has long been a strong defender of LGBT causes, but as indicated in the blog post, he’s not sure the movement has progressed with this development.

    “If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out,” he concluded. “If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”

    Sullivan is certainly onto something here.

    For one, Eich’s views are wrong, but they are completely irrelevant to how he’d run the browser company. It’s not as though Firefox would suddenly veer into anti-gay territory, complete with a “Prop 8 Toolbar” or something. It would be bad for business for Eich to have done anything but continue providing a service that many use without political controversy.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Brendan Eich and the New American Totalitarian State

      American Thinker

      Sally Zelikovsky


      Imagine going to work one day only to be, in effect, fired -- not because of anything you did or didn’t do at your job, but because of something you did in your personal life. Something religious. Or maybe, something political.

      Imagine if you were denied a promotion at work because a co-worker found out you had made a personal donation to a conservative candidate. Imagine if your environmentally-correct boss discovered that, in your free time at home, you supported an organization that exposed the fallacies of man-made global warming and asked you for your resignation. Imagine if you were the successful CEO of Widget Corp, lauded and respected for your accomplishments, but clients or customers found out you were a tea partier and demanded you be forced out.

      That’s exactly what happened to Brendan Eich, a highly-respected tech guru in Silicon Valley and co-founder of Mozilla Corporation, after he was appointed CEO in late March. In less than a week, he was forced out of this position for no reason other than that he had a made a $1000 contribution to the Prop 8 initiative in 2008. His own money. On his own time. In his private capacity. Mozilla had nothing to do with it. Nor did he discuss gay marriage at work.

      In an interview with The Guardian on Wednesday, Eich told the paper “I think I am the best person for the job and I’m doing the job” and that his personal beliefs were not relevant. He couldn’t be more correct.

      But forced out he was after a huge outcry from thousands of employees and Silicon Valley residents, after half of the Mozilla Foundation board resigned -- yes, resigned! -- and OKCupid blocked web surfers from accessing their site through the Firefox portal.

      At first, it looked as if he might survive the onslaught, as statements were issued on the Mozilla blog about their support for LGBT issues, marriage equality and respect for diversity. “[A]s long as you are willing to respect others, and come together for our larger mission, you are welcome. Mozilla’s community is made up of people who have very diverse personal beliefs working on a common cause, which is a free and open internet. That is a very rare and special thing.”

      The UK Guardian:

      [Mitchell] Baker, chairwoman of the Mozilla Foundation, of which the Mozilla Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary, wrote in the 29 March blog post: "I want to speak clearly on behalf of both the Mozilla Corporation and the Mozilla Foundation: Mozilla supports equality for all, explicitly including LGBT equality and marriage equality."

      Eich stressed that Baker's statement applied only to Mozilla as a corporation and foundation, rather than to its broader mission.

      “There's a difference here between the company, the foundation, as an employer and an entity, versus the project and community at large, which is not under any constraints to agree on LGBT equality or any other thing that is not central to the mission or the Mozilla manifesto.”

      Eich said the reason Mozilla as a community did not take a wider stance on issues such as LGBT marriage was the same as his reason for not explaining his donation: to avoid fragmenting its community. Without a large group of people who disagreed on lots of issues, Firefox would never have happened, he said.

      “So far we've been able to bring people together of diverse beliefs including on things like marriage equality,” he said. “We couldn't have done this, we couldn't have done Firefox One. I would've been excluded, someone else would've been excluded because of me – I wouldn't have done that personally, they'd have just left. So imagine a world without Firefox: not good.”

      Eich also stressed that Firefox worked globally, including in countries like Indonesia with “different opinions”, and LGBT marriage was “not considered universal human rights yet, and maybe they will be, but that's in the future, right now we're in a world where we have to be global to have effect”.

      But, in the end, his personal liberties, reasonableness, and competence couldn’t survive the pitch forks and threats.

      Eich clearly has more sense in his little pinky than the “aggrieved” have collectively. But still, this is one of the saddest days in America -- a nation founded on religious liberty, a nation that has fought to protect the civil liberties of its citizens from encroachment by the state or abuse by employers, landlords and other institutions. It now seems that anyone can be punished for his or her religious, moral or political beliefs by well-funded mobs that can exert economic pressure on one’s employer. These are the tactics of closed societies behind the Iron Curtain; not the shining city on the hill.

      This isn’t new: we have seen it take place on a national level with Chick-fil-A. Many of us have seen people outed at work for their support of Prop 8. Busloads of angry mobsters have descended on the private property of CEOs. We have seen Tea Parties shaken down by the IRS. We know there is a Hollywood blacklist for conservatives. It has been a slow trickle that is fast turning into a full stream.

      This is NOT about Prop 8, gay marriage and religion. That is just the context in which this latest abuse has come to be. It is about the freedom -- in your personal life -- to believe as you do, support the candidates and issues you want, and to be left in peace to do so without fear of recrimination at the place where you make your livelihood.

      If competent individuals can be fired at work for their personal stances on issues that they do not bring into the workplace, then we are no longer in a free and open society, but a very tightly closed one where fear reigns and keeps us all under control--where our beliefs must yield to pre-set political and religious dogma we are force fed.

      Not only is it hard to swallow that something like this could happen in our country, it is hard to fathom how anyone can be so self-righteous, so emboldened, to think it a perfectly good idea to socially engineer society with the same iron fists as history's liberty-crushing despots. All of that talk about equality, justice, liberty, tolerance and diversity, is just talk. It’s a one way street leading to oppression. And so frenzied are they with their viewpoints -- so intent on crushing any opposing ideas-- that they are blinded to their own bigotry.

      So now, no longer is it just the government that can single you out, punish and persecute you for being a patriot or a tea partier. Now, your employer can as well. And then, maybe your landlord. And, why not the local hospital? And what about your kids in school? For those of you from the old USSR, you know, this was how it was done. Stick to the party line, keep quiet, support the state…and you keep your job and get assigned a small apartment. If you don’t, your kids suffer in school, your boss makes life difficult at work and don’t be surprised if your electricity doesn’t work. Take on the entire system, become a dissident or refusnik, and it’s off to Siberia. You’ll be lucky if you live.


      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman

