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Political wisdom from 'butterdezillion' posting on Free Republic

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  • Political wisdom from 'butterdezillion' posting on Free Republic

    COMMENT #562 by 'butterdezillion'


    Obama is the guy whose Columbia University professors and colleagues (such as Bill Ayers) sat around figuring out how to exterminate the 25 million Americans they expected would refuse to accept communism even after being in the “re-education camps” after the communist takeover, in which the US would be divided between China, Russia, Cuba, etc. (a little bit like what Obama allegedly paid the Morsi regime to do with Egypt - killing Egyptians to allow Hamas to take over the part of Egypt closest to Israel).

    In the “should the political winds change” passage Obama appears to be saying he won’t do that (put in camps and/or exterminate) to the “immigrants” (which we have since learned means anybody who walks onto our soil, even if illegally) - but he has since said he can, if he wants to, do it to US citizens.

    Muslim takeover has always depended on entering a country and breeding there. One of their chief methods for instituting sharia is sheer demographics. When about 8% of the population is Muslim they are required to begin the process of “softening” the culture and legal system to prepare for eventual sharia. That’s when they begin to make demands for concessions that are not necessary unless there is a high enough percentage of Muslims that they have a duty to push for sharia.

    That’s when you get stuff like Muslims suing to have prayer times, suing to not allow seeing eye dogs in taxicabs, suing to not have to do grocery check-out of pork, suing people who report plane passengers shouting “Death to America!”, pushing to have CAIR approve all educational materials, etc. None of those things are required/forbidden by Islam unless the Muslim population is high enough that the Muslims are supposed to be pushing towards sharia. Once you see those pushes you know that the race towards sharia is on.

    So immigration is the method of invasion for Muslims - extremists and non-extremists alike.

    A friend of mine was working at INS on 9-11. She said in the immediate aftermath of 9-11 and the years that followed they had thousands upon thousands - whole vaults full - of applications for entry into the US by Muslims claiming they needed political asylum. She said it was piles and piles photocopied by the same lawyer en masse. Literally a planned invasion - taking advantage of our fear of discriminating like in the past. She herself was majorly harassed when her higher-ups realized she knew what was going on.

    The Muslims - as they have always said (I think there’s a Manchester? document where the plan of attacking the US was outlined) - were smart enough to use our own vulnerabilities against us. Use our kindness in wanting to let people come enjoy our prosperity, for instance, to invade us and plot our demise, because kindness is “weak”. Use our legal system against us, by giving the guilty the benefit of the doubt and leaving the innocent victims high and dry. Use the anti-discrimination protocols to get incompetent workers like Nidal Hasan into positions of access BECAUSE they are Muslim. Use our desire to be fair, to get CAIR to be able to rewrite history in our school textbooks. Etc.

    Obama knew that. Demographics is one of the chief Muslim weapons against a free nation. Letting Muslims - terrorist and non-terrorist alike - walk through our borders to breed here and overtake the population is how free countries fall. Look at Britain, France, Netherlands, etc. It is a major, effective strategy. And what Obama said sounds great until you know that it’s part of an overarching strategy that he knew would destroy us and instead bring about eventual sharia and oppression of non-Muslims.

    And if there are any doubts about that, then look at the results all over the globe, which was my point. Terrorism is not on the decline, as Obama said right around the time of the Benghazi attack and when over 20,000 Manpads went “missing” - most likely into the hands of those who wish to harm us. “Arab Spring” was the rise of Islamist extremists, who sabotaged what may have begun as a push for freedom - and the extremists were aided in their takeovers by the Obama regime. The one place Obama DIDN’T support the dissidents was in Iran, where sharia was already in place and the dissidents wanted to get rid of it.

    Mubarak was our ally against terrorism. He was replaced by Muslim Brotherhood-backed CAIR, after the Obama regime incited violence there. Egypt has since soundly rejected Obama’s terrorist/Islamist brand of “freedom fighters”.

    Ghadaffi was our ally against terrorism. He had turned from terrorism to being the number one supplier of intelligence for rounding up terrorists. The Obama regime got rid of him so that the place could be taken over by people who shortly thereafter helped our consulate outpost to be overrun and our men killed (while Obama did nothing in real-time and blamed it on a movie nobody had even seen).

    Kenya was our ally against terrorism but Obama campaigned and illegally contributed for his communist cousin , Raila Odinga, to be given a position in the government because of the violence that Muslims fomented in obedience to a Memorandum of Understanding between Odinga and the Muslims to do precisely that to insure his victory, in exchange for a Constitution that instituted sharia. And Obama spent upwards of a million US taxpayer dollars to campaign for a new Kenyan constitution which would institute sharia in places where the majority of the population was Muslim, which is exactly the back-door route to country-wide sharia.

    Afghanistan has been handed over to the Taliban, under the supposed theory that if they are busy beheading and stoning to death their own people maybe they will stop bombing us.

    The hard-earned progress in Iraq has been lost, and persecution of Christians is happening there.

    And now the US is supporting Al Qaeda-affiliated groups to oust Bashar Assad in Syria. Those groups have said they will institute sharia in Syria and then come to America and do the same. They are beheading non-Muslims at alarming rates while the US looks on.

    All this stuff started happening shortly after Obama got Obamacare passed. Which is very interesting, because the Egyptian ambassador said on Arab TV that Obama had privately told him in January of 2010 - one year after taking office - that he was and still is a Muslim who supports the “Muslim agenda”, and the Muslim world needed to be patient with him while he got Obamacare passed and then he would start working on the “Muslim agenda”. The agenda that all sects of Islam agree on is the destruction of the US and Israel and the institution of worldwide sharia.

    Ghadaffi had already said in a public speech that world Muslims knew Obama is a Muslim and they were contributing to his campaign in the hopes that he would not forget who he is and would further the Muslim agenda once he was elected. Later it was found that the Obama regime had specifically disabled the verification process that would have checked for illegal foreign contributions, and that 90% of the donations he received online were from foreign Muslims. The only way Ghadaffi could call them “legal” contributions was because Obama refused to verify the legality of them. Just like he’s done with EVERYTHING - just ignore the law and then you can say everything is fine, because there is “no legal controlling authority”, as Al Gore might say.

    Anybody looking at the whole picture should be terrified of the alliances Obama has created and the alliances he has destroyed. In words and actions, Obama has made it abundantly clear that he stands with extremists like Morsi and not with those who share the US’s foundational beliefs of freedom of religion, the sanctity of human life, etc - foundations that Obama pledged to radically “transform” (change). His allegiance has NEVER been to the America of the Constitution, but to the communists and Islamists that have surrounded him his whole life long.

    And a person has only to look at what he has wrought in the world and in this country to know that this is a man who steals, kills, and destroys. We know who his father is, when we see who he resembles. Those who know the words of Jesus will understand exactly what I am saying. By their fruits you will know them...

    Do not be deceived. See what is in front of your eyes.

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman