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Sharyl Attkisson: I Was Called ‘Troublemaker’ for Looking into Benghazi -- Mediaite

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  • Sharyl Attkisson: I Was Called ‘Troublemaker’ for Looking into Benghazi -- Mediaite

    Sharyl Attkisson: I Was Called ‘Troublemaker’ for Looking into Benghazi


    Josh Feldman


    Sharyl Attkisson was an investigative reporter for CBS News before resigning last month over reported issues with management quashing her investigative pieces on a number of Obama administration scandals. Attkisson joined Bill O’Reilly Thursday night to tell him exactly what happened behind the scenes, explaining that Fast & Furious, for example, was not pursued because there was a “lack of interest” at CBS. She told O’Reilly, “They just decided on their own that the story was done.”

    On Benghazi, Attkisson said she “pursued that aggressively” because it was a story she believed was worth pursuing, but again, “interest was largely lost.”

    She explained that she was officially told “there’s no time in the broadcast, they really really like the story” but in unofficial channels people called her a “troublemaker” for digging up dirt on these issues.

    Attkisson said there is a “fear over original investigative reporting” that she blamed on the special-interest influence on mainstream media outlets, especially on Obamacare. On that issue in particular, Attkisson was dismayed that the issues of transparency, security, and a lack of concrete figures from the White house “was not considered a big enough story.”

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    IT IS ABOUT TIME " We the People " caused a huge amount of trouble for the traitors in Washington , D . C .
    ( District of Corruption ) . " AMERICA does not have a president " .

