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Forward: Team Obama Caught Photoshopping Another Regime Propaganda Photo

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  • Forward: Team Obama Caught Photoshopping Another Regime Propaganda Photo

    Forward: Team Obama Caught Photoshopping Another Regime Propaganda Photo

    Birther Report



    Obama Caught Photoshopping Another Regime Propaganda Photo
    By Mara Zebest

    Liberal media Rag did a propaganda story on Jay Carney to make him appear "likeable". They say a picture is worth a 1000 words... well the photos posted in the Washingtonian Mom article found here do speak tons on how far the media will go to propagandize for the regime... FIRST UP is this photo which fails to make notice of the Soviet Propaganda posters hanging in Jay Carney's home (seen in the article posted below.... but also continue reading below the photo provided for the biggest offense in the Washingtonian)...

    (shown in the article) are the two Soviet Propaganda posters hanging in the White House Press Secretary's home

    Apparently the media is willing to PHOTOSHOP the photos for Jay Carney (and the administration)... notice the floating finger in the books. Repeat of photo information is a common Photoshop mistake and a sure fire tell tale sign. The image posted below shows annotated squares and circles around a few instances of cloned books repeated in the image (red notations on the top two rows and blue notations on the third row of books in photo provided below)... there are a ton of other examples of the Photoshop cloning when examining the large version of the photo in below article link.. and the circular cloning areas points out where they forgot to Photoshop OUT THE CHILD'S FINGER. Makes you wonder what else was Photoshopped in the image...

    PHOTOSHOP ALERT!: What a disembodied finger in Jay Carney's photo says about media propaganda

    So a question? This isn't the first time the regime has Photoshopped their propaganda photos. Then why is it so inconceivable that Obama's birth certificate is fake. There's Photoshopped evidence of that too. And how un-Presidential is it for Obama to keep bringing the topic up? The only reason he does so is to employ the Alinsky tactic to call anyone "crazy" who mentions his Kenyan birth (even though Obama himself mentioned it many times). In the below video clip, mentioning the birth certificate topic doesn't even make sense in the context of making the point against photo voter ID. So is Obama admitting that there are other forms of ID than a passport? And he is also admitting that no one knows where his birth certificate is...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman