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Shock Report: Birther No More; Trump Makes Maximum Donation To Cruz’s PAC

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  • Shock Report: Birther No More; Trump Makes Maximum Donation To Cruz’s PAC

    Shock Report: Birther No More; Trump Makes Maximum Donation To Cruz’s PAC

    Birther Report



    Reality Check: Idiots To The Left Of Me; Idiots To The Right Of Me

    Excerpt via National Memo: A Birther No More? Trump Makes Maximum Donation To Ted Cruz’s PAC

    Donald Trump may not be sure if Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is eligible to be president, but he has no problem giving the Tea Party hero a chunk of his fortune.

    According to a report in The Hill, Trump has donated $5,000 — the maximum legal amount under current election law — to Senator Cruz’s political action committee, the Jobs Growth and Freedom Fund.

    If the PAC’s previous spending habits are any indication, Trump’s $5,000 will mainly go toward paying various political consultants.

    Although contributions make up the smallest part of the pie, Cruz’s PAC has donated $23,800 to nine politicians. Trump will surely be heartened to learn that two of them — Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) — have joined his birther quest to prove that Barack Obama is not eligible to serve as president.

    Cruz, who was born in Canada but is a natural born citizen because of his American mother, has also faced birther-themed questions. In August 2013, Trump himself answered a question about Cruz’s eligibility to be president by saying, “If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not.” (As usual, Trump is wrong.)
    [...] Continued @ National Memo. You can send some Birther Love here.

    Reality: I still have yet to see or hear Sen. Cruz ever mention that he was running for POTUS...

    My comment to one of the brainwashed idiots commenting at National Memo:

    There is no such thing as "natural born US Citizen" as you put it. You must mean "natural born citizen" which is not the same as US citizen... Why do you think the founders put the grandfather clause in Article II?

    "No person except a natural born citizen, OR a citizen of the United States, AT THE TIME of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;..."

    Obama's mother was 18 years old. Going by the law that you cite she fails the residency requirement by a year if Obama was born overseas.

    The fact remains every POTUS and VPOTUS eligible under the grandfather clause in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution were all born on U.S. soil to two U.S. Citizen parents, except for Barack Obama and Chester Arthur, whom burned all his identity papers shortly before his death.

    Not to mention the fact that Obama has forged identity documents...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman