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Leaked Photos and Released Emails show Clintons in Bed with Muslim Brotherhood

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  • Leaked Photos and Released Emails show Clintons in Bed with Muslim Brotherhood

    Leaked Photos and Released Emails show Clintons in Bed with Muslim Brotherhood

    Shoebat Foundation

    Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack



    Bassam Estwani is one major Muslim figure that had access to the Clinton White House. Some might think this is no big deal, of course, until one examines what obtained from leaked photos compared with email exchanges between Estwani and the Clintons.

    The photos and Arabic sources obtained by reveal that Estwani was a major Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator working for decades in the U.S. to influence top U.S. politicians to advance Sharia.

    In one photo, Estwani showed great deference to the number one Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

    Estwani can be seen seated on the floor inside the Dar al-Hijrah mosque which was run by him at the time, receiving rhetorical crumbs from al-Qaradawi, who was banned from entering the U.S. in 1999, due to his support for terrorism.

    The photos, when examined in conjunction with documents and emails released by the Clinton Library, reveal an extremely disturbing mosaic. They are worth thousands of words and clearly show that Estwani has a history of consorting with notorious figures, stealthy Muslim Brotherhood jihadists, and U.S. Congressmen from both sides of the aisle. Perhaps most alarming are his multiple visits to the White House during the Clinton administration.

    When Estwani was visiting the White House, Huma Abedin – the daughter of a Muslim Sisterhood leader – had already been working for Hillary Clinton for four years. revealed that Abedin’s brother was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies (OCIS) for several years when al-Qaradawi served on the Board.

    An internet search on Chairman Estwani doesn’t turn up much. While his name can be found on Ikhwanwiki – a Muslim Brotherhood directory – the site has no information on him available.

    However, thanks to Arabic sources, has obtained evidence of an alarming conspiracy – involving Estwani – to spread Islam in the military. Muhammad Ratib Al-Nablisi, one of the most prominent Muslim Theologians and Hamas supporters in the Levant (Syria) referenced Estwani in a 2001 progress report on the spread of Islam in America. In the report, al-Nablisi relayed the contents of his conversation with Estwani (translated):

    The first issue now in the world should be Islam. Islamic books are entirely absent in Europe and the U.S. However, I was told by my entrusted friend, Mr. Bassam Estwani two weeks ago. He told me that during the Gulf War they appointed an Islamic supervisor to guide twenty thousand American soldiers and officers in Washington to be a religious mentor for them in the army. But that the news is not good. There are several threats and the interests of Muslims are threatened in the world. But that the advocacy news is quite good. Allah wanted to show his religion. He wanted to push people to know Islam.


    View the complete article, including photos, at:
    B. Steadman