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Getting The Fuddy Death Facts; like pulling teeth -- h2ooflife, butterdezillion

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  • Getting The Fuddy Death Facts; like pulling teeth -- h2ooflife, butterdezillion

    Getting The Fuddy Death Facts; like pulling teeth




    Some Background Information

    by butterdezillion

    Some have expressed concern because I’ve not posted for a while. Thank you for caring. I’ve had a lot of real-life stuff that has required my attention, in addition to the research.

    To those who have given me information or input, thank you! I have read what you said and have been processing it in my mind and collating it with other information I’ve received. A lot of the processing and information I’ve got right now can’t be revealed yet because I have a bunch of pending FOIA requests and I want to make sure that state and federal agencies don’t know what discrepancies they need to try to mitigate, so they don’t know how to alter the records they give me. The records I’ve got so far show serious discrepancies on every major detail regarding this crash and the response to it, and also show some agencies manipulating the data to try to hide things. So I know that manipulation of the records is a very real possibility. I’ve been biting my tongue, trying not to say more than I should in places like Free Republic.

    Every request I’ve made has been like pulling teeth, with emails disappearing, UIPA (HI’s FOIA) responses getting “lost” in the US mail, delays, appeals, non-responses, etc. I’ve had to babysit every request, forcing people to do what is required by law, force-feeding them the legal reasons why they have to respond and why the records are discloseable, appealing their non-responses or denials, reminding them they haven’t responded, double-checking to make sure they got my communications and I got theirs, looking up contact information for people who aren’t responding or to whom my request was forwarded, sorting out how my requests were divided and whose responses are about what part of the request (a way that the FAA was able to cancel a request, since I didn’t know that the longer deadline I was given only applied to a portion of the request that was separated from my original request without the agency telling me what part was separated), etc.

    So it’s been a zoo. The extra people in the water just minutes after the crash strongly suggest that the crash was planned in advance. I will say that the combined records so far allude to 11 people who were pulled from the water by rescuers and at least another 2 who swam ashore. That’s 13 people when the “official narrative” claims only 9 were there. So the extra people shown in the video are also corroborated by the records, with summaries provided to the public contradicting what’s in the internal records.

    Why was the crash planned? The answer to that depends on whether Fuddy is actually dead. Some of my records requests are trying to get to the bottom of that, using records that are required public disclosures. MAJOR obstructions on all those records.

    Part of the obstructions could be legally-justified, IF this crash was planned in order to put Fuddy into witness protection – if not on a federal level then on a state level. Either level would make it mandatory for the agencies to hide information which would reveal Fuddy’s hidden protected status, if the AG so ordered it. HI statute allows the AG to do ANYTHING that he/she deems necessary to “protect” somebody who somewhere down the line might testify for the government in some investigation or legal proceeding – as long as the AG believes that investigation/case will have a lot of people interested in it and the potential witness could be in danger.

    Rather than take the time to rewrite everything, I’m going to adapt what I posted elsewhere, about that, and about the whole idea of faked deaths and whether it is an unthinkably crazy theory. Given the evidence that the crash was planned, the alternate theory is murder.

    The rest of this post is how I responded when asked the question, “Who/what was in the casket?”:

    I have no way of knowing because the image that I know is genuinely from the funeral and shows some of the interior of the casket doesn’t seem to match the photoshopped images. What’s in the middle of the casket in the genuine photo looks dark and round, not like the pasty-white hands from the other images. There’s not much empty space on either side of the person, in the casket showing the hands. But it seems like you can see the whole side cushion inside the coffin in the genuine photo – with no arms, torso or anything showing. The style of the casket seems different – rounded top versus flat top, different profile when the lid was open, etc. The images just don’t seem to match.

    And I can’t help but wonder why they photoshopped the other images.

    So I don’t know. I have no way of knowing. What I do know is that something seems screwy, with the photoshopping and the images not seeming to match.

    And I suppose Fred is right. I suppose you’re setting me up to laugh at me, because of course funerals are NEVER faked. Reading a bit, I find that drownings are the easiest way to fake a death because there doesn’t have to be a body. That makes it all the more interesting that the acting coroner’s information officer, Lt William Juan, was quoted in the LA Times the day after the crash, saying that Fuddy’s body was retrieved from the wreckage. The confusion over how many people were in the plane, how many swam ashore, who picked them out of the water, etc means that to this day the public claims of what really happened don’t match the number of people reported in the records as having been retrieved. There are differing numbers reported as having been transported. The lat-longitude coordinates for where the helos went when they transported people make no sense.

    Confusion like that allowed several different claims to be an option – from Fuddy drowning and her body not being found, to her drowned body being retrieved from the wreckage, to her dying in the water, to her being in critical condition when found but dying while she was being worked on… And almost all those stories have been simultaneously claimed by different people in the reports or in the media statements. There may have been Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D, and people got confused over which one was actually going to be used. Maybe it depended on how things went. For whatever reason, the timing of the crash being discovered, the media report of one dead, the timing of when the helicopters were where and what was in the Fire Dept versus the USCG CAD transcripts, when the aircraft arrived, etc were all off as well as the stories of where and in what condition Fuddy was found, by whom, by whom she was lifted, where she was taken once lifted, etc, which are all off. They have internal and external inconsistencies. Which is what clued in a lot of people (including myself) to the suspicious nature of this crash, even before the video surfaced showing extra people and equipment in the water.

    At there is a 2002 interview with the guy who founded the federal Witsec program. I believe around the 30-minute mark he says that they don’t need to do elaborate schemes to make it appear that somebody died because the US is a big enough place that a person can effectively be hidden (Note that this was in 2002 – before we had surveillance cameras, drones, etc all over the place). And that’s probably true for low-profile people. It might not be as true for somebody widely-known, and especially if it is somebody people all over the country might recognize and suspect as still being alive.

    Such a person might not so easily hide in this age of surveillance and social media – as evidenced by the fact that by the time of Fuddy’s funeral a dear Freeper sleuth had discovered Fuddy’s alternate facebook account using the name she thought only her friends would recognize: Deliana Antone, the name under which it is claimed that she bought with cash a multi-million-dollar house in Florida shortly after her alleged death.

    An interesting factoid about the FEDERAL WITSEC program: people in the program are not allowed to contact their non-protected friends and relatives after getting their new identity and are urged to choose a new LAST NAME but to keep their original first name. By using Deliana instead of Loretta, Fuddy would have ensured that her friends and family would be able to know it was her – and especially since she already had a facebook account under that name (though it is impossible to know who set up that FB account or when…) [note by Nash; after looking into that Deliana I came to conclusion that it had to be someone with the same name for more than one reason; including the high-profile nature of paying cash for an expensive mansion that would be a grossly excessive albatross around the neck of an aging childless spinster who could never open it for "entertaining" "friends & family". Way too public. If alive, and she could be, having been merely paralyzed by a box jellyfish or puffer fish venom injection, she could be living anywhere in the world, including Indonesia, the home of the Subud cult, of which she was a leader.]


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman