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Why was the Turnout so Poor at 'Operation American Spring'?

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  • Why was the Turnout so Poor at 'Operation American Spring'?

    from one of the organizers of OAS, patriot Tracy Fair: what went wrong with OAS

    Orly Tatiz, Esq.

    View the complete post at:

    Please, see below attached a letter from a patriot Tracy Fair, where she highlighted some problems relating to OAS.

    Here is my comment:

    I have to say that I was concerned about the event myself. I have a lot of respect for Col Riley, I believe he is a great patriot, but there were errors in the organization of the event. Early on I wrote to a number of people and stated that it is not a good idea to just pull a date out of a hat.It will be much better to find a date and time when a lot of people travel to DC anyways, such as tax day, 4th of July, memorial day, veterans day or an event when a team from a conservative state, such TX travels to DC and a lot of conservative fans travel with it. Nobody would listen to this comment.

    I further asked Col Riley whether he wants me to speak at the event, as I have a lot of followers. He stated that he does not want any politicians or attorneys speaking, he does not want any private sponsors, just people spontaneously traveling to DC. I tried to explain to a number of people that economy is bad and the last big event in DC with Glenn Beck had sponsors who paid for buses, but nobody would listen.

    One of my supporters, Alex Gofen contacted Col Riley and asked if there will be posters and signs there about eligibility. Col Riley did not want to address this issue at the event as he thought that he would lose a number of people, who do not support this issue. Well, Mr. Gofen and many others got offended and were bewildered, how Col Riley can have a rally seeking to remove Obama from office and would not address the issue of Obama’s lack of eligibility.

    I did not want to talk about all of this before the event, as I knew I would be attacked and called a spoiler, so I was not negative and a number of times made posts telling people to support OAS and posted pictures of the protesters from the OAS, but now, after the event we can talk about the problems. Maybe we all can learn from the mistakes. We are all human, we all make mistakes. Col Riley is a patriot and he tried to do a good thing. Let’s all regroup and think of another event and plan it either when there are a lot of patriots in DC or we can have an event in a conservative state when Obama or Biden of Reid or Pelosi travel there.

    I need everyone to help plan a better event. Please, send me any and all info on football, basketball, baseball teams from conservative states traveling to DC for an important game or alternatively some other event in a conservative state, when big wigs of Obama regime will be there, so we can plan a stronger rally.

    Things happen, people get discouraged. Just today I found out about a dirty trick played at one of conservative organizations. a voter guide was issued by a conservative organization. They wrote names of candidates and wrote who do they recommend. If candidate chose not to answer their questionnaire, they would write NR, but the name of the candidate would still be listed as one of the candidates running for office. My name was not even listed. They listed Kamala Harris, but did not list me. I contacted Celeste Craig, former chairwoman of CA Republican assembly. She gave me the phone number (310) 962-1131 of Brian Johnston, Western states chair. When I called him, he stated that Mike Spense, former chair of CA GOP was the one who made the list and did not include me. I advised Mr. Johnston that this is not the first time Mike Spense is playing dirty tricks, previously he defamed and denigrated me in e-mails to voters, as he thought that someone challenging Obama should not be elected in the primary, that somehow it would be bad for GOP. Mr. Johnston stated that a personal animosity should not justify not including me on the voter guide, as if I do not exist. This was very unpleasant and discouraging, yet another dirty trick from corrupt leadership of CA GOP.

    I know a lot of people get discouraged, so do I sometimes, but never the less we are making a difference. Just now I attended one of my sons’ graduations from university. Typically academia is very pro Obama, young people are pro Obama. However, just as the event ended and my husband and my sons were taking pictures, a young lady ran up to me and asked: “are you Orly Taitz, I thought it is you, I am a fan, can I please, take a picture with you?” this happens to me every day. So, I know we are getting through, we are reaching young people, even in the liberal bastions. It is a hard work, but we are making a difference, one person at a time.
    We all have to be tough, we all have to be strong. We have to win, we can’t allow our rights to be taken away by the globalist mafia and their corrupt puppets. don’t give up, soldier on.


    to me

    Failure of LEADERSHIP.

    When David Swanson and Karen Smith left, OAS fell apart and two days later I was labeled an infiltrator by Ron McKinley and suspended from OAS. Colonel Harry was away on family matters.

    A lot of us left in early February because they had no clue what they were doing! Ron McKinley was the biggest problem. Harry wanted me to work on the website, but Ron wouldn’t let me. That’s why all the target point maps are gone and lots of things are missing. That is why the website looks like crap, because Ron is running it

    They wanted nothing at all to do with social media and I told them it would NEVER work without Twitter, but Harry and Ron fought me all the way. I opened Harry a twitter account and he did a few tweets in the beginning but then stopped (as you can see, he gave up on Feb 3rd)

    When I started sending everyone on the team emails asking them to please get a twitter account and start getting the word out, I even told them if they had no clue how, that they could just start retweeting my tweets nd it would take them 5 minutes a day, but the response was “Oh, we don’t do twitter” WHAAAT? I asked all of them several times to get on twitter and they just called me a trouble maker.

    When Harry went away for a few days, Ron suspended my account and told everyone there that I was an infiltrator and the new guy Rich, who had just come onboard (who left about a month ago) and didn’t know me and agreed with Ron. He said he asked around and everyone agreed that I was a trouble maker, BECAUSE I PUSHED THEM TO GET TWITTER ACCOUNTS.

    I also ran the OAS Facebook page and before all the emails about twitter, someone had gotten access to Harry’s Facebook account and was posting as him and opening up OAS groups under his account and making him an admin on their page. It was like pulling teeth to get him to change his password, but after three days, he finally did it. Most of the OAS team were in the emails back and forth regarding the Facebook account breakin, but no one understood how damaging this was to OAS and told me I was causing too much trouble. WHATEVERRRRRR

    I knew this would be the turnout and maybe next time Colonel Harry and RONNNNNNN, will realize that you can’t get the word out JUST by being on online radio shows that have no more than 50 listeners!

    It will never happen without Twitter and Facebook and a helf way decent website that tells you where to go and what to do to help..
    Last edited by bsteadman; 05-18-2014, 09:40 PM.
    B. Steadman