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He KNEW! Obama told of Veterans Affairs health care debacle as far back as 2008

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  • He KNEW! Obama told of Veterans Affairs health care debacle as far back as 2008

    He KNEW! Obama told of Veterans Affairs health care debacle as far back as 2008

    The Washington Times

    Jim McElhatton


    The Obama administration received clear notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that threatened to deny veterans timely health care — problems that have turned into a growing scandal.

    Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting.

    “This is not only a data integrity issue in which [Veterans Health Administration] reports unreliable performance data; it affects quality of care by delaying — and potentially denying — deserving veterans timely care,” the officials wrote.

    The briefing materials, obtained by The Washington Times through the Freedom of Information Act, make clear that the problems existed well before Mr. Obama took office, dating back at least to the Bush administration. But the materials raise questions about what actions the department took since 2009 to remedy the problems.

    In recent months, reports have surfaced about secret wait lists at facilities across the country and, in the case of a Phoenix VA facility, accusations that officials cooked the books to try to hide long wait times. Some families said veterans died while on a secret wait list at the Phoenix facility.

    Last week, Dr. Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health in the Department of Veterans Affairs, resigned. His boss, Secretary Eric K. Shinseki, told Congress he will stay despite growing calls for his resignation.

    Mr. Shinseki, a disabled veteran, has headed the department since the beginning of Mr. Obama’s first term, when the VA report identified many of the problems.

    “Should they have known? Absolutely, they should have known,” said Deirdre Parke Holleman, executive director of the Washington office for the Retired Enlisted Association, a veterans group, which has not taken a position on whether Mr. Shinseki should resign. “These are problems that should have been dealt with.”

    In particular, the 2008 transition report referred to a VA inspector general recommendation to test the accuracy of reported waiting times.

    Such tests, the report noted, could prompt action if results reveal “questionable differences” between the dates shown in medical records and dates in the Veterans Health Administration’s scheduling system. It’s unclear whether that recommendation was adopted because VA officials have not responded to request for comment.

    In Phoenix, officials are looking into whether as many as 40 veterans died while waiting for treatment, with “secret wait lists” used to conceal the delays. Speaking in the Republicans’ weekly address over the weekend, Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, said the scandal began in his home state but it has since “gone nationwide.”

    “Altogether, similar reports of lengthy waiting lists and other issues have surfaced in at least 10 states,” he said.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    VA Whistleblower: Vets’ Treatment ‘Worse Than if They Hadn’t Been Treated at All’


    Noah Rothman


    In an appearance on Fox & Friends on Monday, Veterans Affairs psychiatrist Dr. Margaret Moxness revealed that she had been “functionally silenced” after complaining about the poor care at VA facilities. She noted that the ongoing treatment of veterans was medically indefensible, that she thought suicides were “inevitable,” and that the treatment many veterans received was worse than “if they hadn’t been treated at all.”

    Moxness said that the VA did not allow her to see patients ten days after their first visit and medication, “which means they’re partially treated.” She added that this procedure would leave vets “worse off than no treatment at all.”

    When Moxness said she complained to her superiors, she was “functionally silenced.”

    “I knew the suicides were inevitable,” Moxness confessed.

    She said that she could have intervened and treated some of her patients if she was able to monitor them more closely. “Do they not take doctors seriously? Do they talk to each other? I don’t know,” Moxness asked. “It’s very frustrating to say the least.”

    “It is a problem that is beyond the scope of the VA, but the VA is particularly handicapping being able to handle it because the bureaucracy is so heavy,” she noted.

    She said that there should be prosecutions of VA administrators who no longer care about the treatment their patients receive.

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman

