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NWV: Soetoro AKA Obama Usurped Presidency Through Fraud & Lies; Can't Impeach

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  • NWV: Soetoro AKA Obama Usurped Presidency Through Fraud & Lies; Can't Impeach

    NWV: Soetoro AKA Obama Usurped Presidency Through Fraud & Lies; Can't Impeach

    Birther Report



    By Devvy Kidd
    News With Views

    Here we go again.

    Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal all want to be the next U.S. president. The only problem is, just like the impostor in the White House, Barack Obama (known aliases used: Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and aka Barry Dunham), all three are constitutionally ineligible, contrary to declarations from their campaign managers, ignorant journalists and partisan mouth pieces.

    Jonathan Tilove, The Times-Picayune: "They (Jindal's parents) arrived Feb 1, 1971, and a bit over four months later, on June 10, 1971, Piyush Jindal was born at Woman's Hospital in Baton Rouge, a natural-born U.S. citizen, who like every other child born in America, could, constitutionally, grow up to be president."

    His parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of his birth; they were here on green cards. His mother became a citizen in 1976, his father in 1986. Jindal is a U.S. citizen at birth, but not a natural born citizen.

    Rubio was born in May 1971 in Miami, Florida. His parents did not become U.S. citizens until November 1975. Rubio is a U.S. citizen at birth, but not a natural born citizen.

    Ted Cruz was born in Canada. His mother was born in Delaware. Cruz' father was born in Cuba, lived in the U.S. on a student visa, went to Canada and became a Canadian citizen. But, he did not become a naturalized U.S. citizen until 2005. Ted Cruz is a U.S. citizen at birth, but not a natural born citizen. When the issue of Cruz' ineligibility came up in mid - 2013 with the Dallas Morning News proclaiming he was born with dual citizenship, Cruz announced he was giving up his dual citizenship because Ted Cruz wants to be president more than he wants to take his next breath:

    "Now the Dallas Morning News says that I may technically have dual citizenship. Assuming that is true, then sure, I will renounce any Canadian citizenship," he continued. "Nothing against Canada, but I'm an American by birth, and as a U.S. Senator, I believe I should be only an American."

    Technically? Sorry, Ted, but like the fraud in the White House, you were born with dual citizenship. The prostitute MSM including big money anchors on FOX like Hannity & O'Reilly to this day continue to parrot that because the fraud in the White House's mother was a U.S. citizen, therefore, so is Barry Soetoro. The key word here being born. Cruz thinks be can become natural born at age 43 when he announced he would give up his Canadian citizenship.

    In that Dallas Morning News item, ignorance flows like champagne during prohibition:

    "As speculation ramps up about Cruz's political future, some have questioned his eligibility to become president. Most legal experts have said Cruz qualifies as a "natural born citizen," a requirement for the White House job, as stated in the Constitution. "In the Dallas Morning News Sunday, legal experts told the paper that Cruz is not only eligible for president in the United States, he's also technically a Canadian citizen and can even run for Parliament. Unless he renounces his citizenship there, he could also obtain a Canadian passport, according to the newspaper."

    The latest update I can find is Cruz was still saying he intends to give up his citizenship in January 2014: "TORONTO (AP) — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz vowed months ago to renounce his Canadian citizenship by the end of 2013, but the Calgary-born Republican is still a dual citizen. Cruz, 43, recently said in an interview with the Dallas Morning News that lawyers are preparing the paperwork to renounce citizenship, just as he said in August. Richard Kurland, a Vancouver-based immigration attorney, wonders what's taking so long. Kurland said Friday that unless there's a security or mental health issue that hasn't been disclosed, renouncing citizenship is a simple, quick process."

    Is a red flag coming up? In any event, Cruz still believes he can be a natural born citizen at any given time.

    There was a reason the Founding Fathers grand fathered in the 'natural born citizen' clause in the Constitution. They wanted to make absolutely sure as possible there would be no dual loyalties for a U.S. president. While I have no doubt Rubio, Jindal and Cruz are loyal Americans, one need only look at the usurper in the White House regarding loyalty to these united States of America and the U.S. Constitution. Soetoro was groomed by a high profile communist in Hawaii and then went on to Chicago to resume his communist connections. He is a die hard Marxist: Obama’s proven communist connections in Hawaii and Chicago.

    We all know about the dozens and dozens of eligibility cases brought against Barry Soetoro aka Obama and why every single challenge was shot down by politically corrupt judges: his skin is black. The biggest disappointment for the truth came on March 21, 2014, nearly a year after oral arguments from the Alabama Supreme Court:

    Alabama Supreme Court upholds decision to toss 'birther' lawsuit, Chief Justice Roy Moore dissents

    "The Alabama Supreme Court has upheld the dismissal of a 2012 lawsuit which wanted Alabama's Secretary of State to certify the birth certificate of each presidential candidate before allowing their names to appear on the general election ballot. The court ruled 7-2 on the issue, with Chief Justice Roy Moore one of two justices who dissented from the majority's decision, arguing the lower court should have directed the secretary of state to check candidate birth certificates."

    "The court determined that while the Secretary of State should check qualifications for a candidate, in 2012, no such authority existed to do so. Chief Justice Roy Moore wrote on that issue: "The chief justice argued that the results of the election did not render "moot" the plaintiffs' claim that the Secretary of State had a duty to verify under the "natural-born citizen clause of the United States Constitution" each candidate's eligibility to serve as president, before their names can appear on the ballot.

    "Moore wrote that the Secretary of State has a duty under the U.S. Constitution to ensure candidates are qualified for office and he said the circuit court should have granted the plaintiffs petition in order to implement the natural-born citizen qualifications clause in future elections. "Moore also argued that the court should have granted the petition and ordered the Secretary of State to investigate the qualifications of the presidential candidates who appeared on the 2012 ballot. "Although the removal of a President-elect or a President who has taken the oath of office is within the breast of Congress, the determination of the eligibility of the 2012 presidential candidates before the casting of the electoral votes is a state function," Moore wrote.

    "This matter is of great constitutional significance in regard to the highest office in our land. Should he who was elected to the presidency be determined to be ineligible, the remedy of impeachment is available through the United States Congress, and the plaintiffs in this case, McInnish and Goode, can pursue this remedy through their representatives in Congress."

    "Parker wrote he concurred with Moore, but didn't believe the secretary has a duty to investigate every proposed candidate." (The full 83 page decision is here.)

    No, a constitutionally ineligible candidate cannot be remedied through impeachment, because if a candidate is ineligible to be on the ballot, no one has the right to vote for that person. That candidate usurped the office, therefore he/she never occupied the office. How do you impeach someone who never legally held the office? But, there are those who don't care, they simply want Barry aka Obama out of the White House using impeachment. Many are hopeful Comrade Obama will take so much heat over an impeachment, he would resign.

    Nor can the impostor be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors since he was not eligible for the office of president. No one had the right to vote for him. He usurped it through fraud and lies. Barry Soetoro aka Obama has never held the office of president legally. He has committed many crimes including impersonating the president of these united States of America and as a civilian, he can be indicted and prosecuted, but there are no real men or women who will step up to the plate in their official capacity and take his crimes to a federal grand jury. They're all a bunch of gutless suits and judicial robes who shame our justice system. I wonder how they look at themselves in the mirror.

    Getting back to the natural born citizen clause of the U.S. Constitution, I urge you to take the time to read the pieces below by constitutional attorney, Mario Apuzzo, if not today, take one each day: [...] Continue reading here.

    Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Devvy is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

    Devvy's regularly posted new columns are on her site at: You can also sign up for her free email alerts.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman