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Eric Cantor Defeated By Conservative Challenger David Brat -- The Daily Caller

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  • Eric Cantor Defeated By Conservative Challenger David Brat -- The Daily Caller

    Eric Cantor Defeated By Conservative Challenger David Brat

    The Daily Caller

    Alex Pappas


    Call it the political upset of the year.

    House majority leader Eric Cantor has been defeated by a little-known conservative challenger in his district’s Republican primary.

    David Brat, an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College, won more votes than Cantor on Tuesday in Virginia’s 7th congressional district GOP primary. With almost all votes in, Brat led 56 percent to Cantor’s 44 percent.

    “I know there’s a lot of long faces here tonight. And it’s disappointing, sure,” Cantor said to supporters at his election night gathering. “But I believe in this country. I believe there’s opportunity around the next corner for all of us.”

    The results have national implications: Cantor was seen as next in line to become speaker of the House. With Cantor not returning to Congress, it will spark a competitive battle among House Republicans to replace him in the GOP leadership.

    “Eric Cantor and I have been through a lot together,” House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement late Tuesday. “He’s a good friend and a great leader, and someone I’ve come to rely upon on a daily basis as we make the tough choices that come with governing. My thoughts are with him and Diana and their kids tonight.”

    During his under-funded campaign, Brat made immigration an issue, accusing Cantor of being for “amnesty.”

    Radio host Laura Ingraham was among those who endorsed Brat’s campaign because of the immigration debate. Still, Brat’s campaign got little attention ahead of Tuesday’s election from most other media outlets.

    A Daily Caller poll released Friday indicated Cantor was in trouble: it indicated that Cantor had support from 40 percent of 583 active primary voters to Brat’s 28 percent.

    Cantor had a large money advantage heading into the election: Brat raised just $207,000 in comparison to Cantor’s $5.44 million.

    Earlier this year, Brat wrote a Daily Caller op-ed titled “Why I want to replace Eric Cantor.”

    “Congressman Cantor’s profile has been erratic even by Washington standards — flitting from eager establishmentarian coat-holder to self-glorified ‘Young Gun’ and back again,” Brat wrote. “His loyalties, both upward and downward, have shifted in his eager embrace of the Ruling Class. Washington’s only genuine article of faith: maintaining control regardless of how that control affects the life of the folks back home.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    GOP Leadership Fallout: House Of Cards Meets Game Of Thrones

    Breitbart / Big-Government

    Jonathan Strong


    Aristotle said “nature abhors a vacuum.” Majority Leader Eric Cantor's stunning primary defeat last night has left a rather large one in the House GOP power structure, and the resulting struggle is likely to get bloody.

    “It's very fluid. There will be a lot of maneuvering,” one lawmaker said.

    The current whip, Kevin McCarthy, is widely expected to vie for Cantor's spot. He may find a challenge from House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, who conservatives are encouraging to run. Former Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is also considered in the mix, especially since Hensarling had been privately adamant before Cantor's loss he did not intend to seek a leadership spot in the next Congress.

    The Republican Study Committee chairman, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), is preparing to announce a bid for the presumed vacancy at whip, a GOP aide said, and will likely compete against chief deputy whip Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL). The current GOP Conference Chair, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers, may also compete for the spot, but she is not considered likely to win a race for it.

    There is still an outside chance Cantor may try to hang on to his seat through a write-in election, although the climb would be steep. Even in the event he did, it would be difficult for him to retain his grip on the Majority Leader position, Republicans say.

    A statement from Speaker John Boehner about Cantor's loss was widely remarked to read more like the reaction to a person's death than a momentary setback. “My thoughts are with him and Diana and their kids tonight,” Boehner said.

    Members processing the shocking news of Cantor's demise last night mused that Boehner, seeking to shore up his right flank, may look to join forces with a high-profile conservative, perhaps to take Cantor's open seat.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman

