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Cruz To Holder: Appoint Special Prosecutor Or Face Impeachment -- Breitbart

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  • Cruz To Holder: Appoint Special Prosecutor Or Face Impeachment -- Breitbart

    Cruz To Holder: Appoint Special Prosecutor Or Face Impeachment

    Breitbart / Big-Government

    Kerry Picket


    If Attorney General Eric Holder refuses to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal, he should be impeached, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said for the first time today.

    “If this resolution is not passed and Democrats in the Senate choose not to put this necessary pressure on the Department of Justice, I have one very clear request,” Cruz said. “If Attorney General Eric Holder continues to refuse to appoint a special prosecutor, he should be impeached.”

    Cruz asked for unanimous consent to call up and adopt a resolution “expressing the opinion of the Senate that the Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, and prosecute, if the facts support, the IRS targeting of Americans and its potential cover up of those actions.”

    The lower chamber passed a similar resolution, sponsored by Rep. Jim
    Jordan (R-OH) in early May. The resolution passed 250-168—with 26 Democrats in favor.

    The IRS is under fire for allegedly targeting conservative groups who have been seeking a non-profit status. IRS commissioner John Koskinen was grilled by Republican members of the House over the claim from the IRS that requested e-mails of IRS personnel like Lois Lerner were lost after their computers crashed.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Clinton Adviser Lanny Davis: Time for Independent Counsel to Investigate IRS Scandal

    The Washington Free Beacon

    Larry O'Connor


    A former White House counsel during the Clinton administration said Thursday that it’s time for an independent counsel to look into the growing IRS email scandal.

    Lanny Davis, a close adviser to Hillary Clinton and a frequent defender of the Obama Administration, appeared on my morning talk show in Washington, D.C., on WMAL. I asked him to comment on the latest hearings on the lost IRS emails conducted earlier this week in Congress:

    If this were a Republican administration I’d be saying when hard drives have been obliterated and this recent Lois Lerner—I think very inappropriate, maybe innocent but completely inappropriate—’maybe we should look at Mr. Grassley’ uh … there’s no Democrat that I know of that wouldn’t be asking a Republican administration to conduct an independent investigation.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Clinton Adviser Lanny Davis: Time for Independent Counsel to Investigate IRS Scandal' which was started 6/27/2014 by 'don-o'

      The thread references a 6/27/2014 article written by Larry O'Connor appearing in The Washington Free Beacon -

      View the complete Free Republic thread at:
      B. Steadman

