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Patriots in Murrieta -- FrontPage Mag, Matthew Vadum

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  • Patriots in Murrieta -- FrontPage Mag, Matthew Vadum

    Patriots in Murrieta

    FrontPage Mag

    Matthew Vadum


    When President Obama began dumping busloads of newly arrived illegal aliens on small town America to force so-called immigration reform he probably didn’t expect residents of a small California city to take a heroic stand against his lawless assault on the nation’s immigration system.

    But grassroots activists in Murrieta, California, near San Diego, have been using the Left’s own playbook against the Community-Organizer-in-Chief’s efforts to force an unprecedented loosening of the nation’s largely unenforced immigration laws. Last week the protesters used the tactics of civil disobedience by blocking federal authorities from bussing in hundreds of illegal immigrants who snuck into south Texas. The feds have vowed to don riot gear in order to transport the illegals to Murrieta but that has not happened yet.

    The illegals turned back by angry crowds were bound for what federal authorities called a “housing facility,” but local residents say such a facility doesn’t exist in Murrieta.

    Longtime Murrieta resident John Henry said it appeared federal officials intended to place the aliens in the local Border Patrol station, which has only five holding cells.

    “There are no showers, and there’s only one toilet in each cell. There’s really no place to give them hot food and no beds. There’s nothing here for them–we literally don’t have any way to take care of these people.”

    Henry added, “We additionally don’t have any places for these people to go after they are processed.”

    Henry told Breitbart News that the illegals, unaccompanied minors and women from Central America, are being sent to Republican-supporting communities like his city to send those opposed to open borders a political message.

    “The administration thinks that if it floods our streets, in small town America, they can force us into immigration reform,” he said. “These immigrants should not be here. The only reason that they are coming here is for political reasons.”

    “This is a small town – it’s mostly conservative – and the federal government knows that. The main reason a lot of us are out here protesting is because we do not want these people being dumped into our small town where we do not have programs or the resources to take care of them properly.”

    Henry and his fellow protesters have been attacked by left-wingers who prefer hurling epithets to answering arguments.

    In a Huffington Post op-ed, commentator Raul A. Reyes smeared the protesters as “anti-immigrant.” The protests themselves were motivated by “racism and xenophobia” and constituted “a shameful, sickening display of anti-immigrant sentiment.”

    Except there is no evidence the activists were motivated by anything other than disgust at the Obama administration’s failure to enforce federal law. Nor is there proof that the activists were “anti-immigrant.” Anti-illegal immigrant, sure, but that’s an altogether different thing.

    A group calling itself the Tequila Party is demanding the activists be jailed for daring to protest.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obama’s immigration implosion


    Keith Koffler


    President Barack Obama is self-righteously grumbling that, having been stymied by Republicans in Congress, he’ll enact immigration reform on his own by voice vote in the West Wing. That is, via executive decree — his go-to method of governing given his crushing lack of success on Capitol Hill.

    But Obama’s promised executive actions will likely entomb immigration reform, which is already dead for the year, in the great sarcophagus of permanently missed opportunities that houses much of whatever it is Obama wanted to do or should have achieved.

    The demise of his immigration agenda was predictable because it was killed by the same incompetence and false assumptions that have characterized his entire presidency. Sure, with an immigration fiat, he’ll achieve some short-term goals. A whole new crop of poor immigrants, also known as larval-stage Democratic voters, will enter the country.

    He’ll also have an issue he thinks will energize Democratic voters. Though this is problematic because it threatens to ignite Republicans into an even hotter frenzy.

    Once Obama unilaterally dictates the terms of an issue that has so engrossed the conservative base in recent weeks that it jettisoned House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the anger will be such that only those seeking a swift and painless political death will touch immigration reform next year. Obama’s typical default to flimsily justified “executive action” will further confirm Republicans’ genuine suspicions that he cannot be trusted to implement an immigration reform law as written.

    Think of how little Obama will have done with what was to be the second great issue of issue of his presidency, after health care. He’ll have implemented some limited, temporary measures that will divide the nation and no doubt be reversed as one of the first acts of any Republican who may succeed him.

    Even if he secures a Democratic succession, Obama’s “regulations” will be challenged in the courts, which have lately shown they have no appetite for rubber-stamping executive fiats.

    With immigration reform, all the Obama weaknesses have come in to play.

    He is, first and foremost, unsuited to the presidency. Unlike Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, all veteran pols who had strong views but took a natural delight in schmoozing, charming and ultimately disarming their opponents, Obama recoils from the basic work of politics.

    What’s more, he seems to abhor his opponents. He is certain that they don’t share his concern for average Americans, believing his own rhetoric about their favoritism toward the rich. This president, hailed as a sophisticated man of the world, seems instead to hold a rather primitive view of politics as a struggle between the forces of good on the left and the army of evil on the right.

    Obama doesn’t think conservatives particularly like immigration, that they are nativists at heart. That’s why he directed them last week in remarks made in the Rose Garden to “remember” that immigration “makes us strong” and “makes us Americans.”

    So he never seriously sought to lay the groundwork for a deal with the right. Because he thinks they don’t want one, that demands to seal the border are a way to avoid action.

    This is why Obama failed to hear what conservatives were saying. They feared exactly the mass influx of illegal immigrants we are seeing today. Conservatives asked Obama that, before considering yet another amnesty, this time we secure the border, for real. No more amnesty followed by a new wave of illegal immigrants.

    He had five and a half years to set the stage for immigration reform by ensuring the border was sealed. He didn’t come close.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

