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PROTESTS - Illegal Imigrants: Corrupt officials and judges are backing down

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  • PROTESTS - Illegal Imigrants: Corrupt officials and judges are backing down

    You are making a difference and corrupt officials and judges are backing down. Judge Jenkins backed down, illegals will be sent somewhere else. Time to prosecute and move somewhere else the illegal sitting in the White House

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    After multiple protests, Judge Jenkins, who originally decided that illegals can be hosted in Dallas, changed his opinion and decided that they will not be hosted there.

    Now we need to start protests in front of the offices of the treasonous judges who became criminally complicit with Obama and covered up all of his stolen and bogus IDs. If these judges do not clean up their act and do not stop committing treason and do not sua sponte reverse their rulings, they should be criminally prosecuted for treason together with Obama.

    We won in Murrietta, in Bundy Ranch, in Utah, in Dallas. When citizens rise, ruling mafia backs down. Time to make a stand, time to try the charlatan with stolen and fabricated IDs, who is usurping the White House and causing an unprecedented damage to this nation, who doubled its’ debt, destroyed the rule of law, weakened the military and opened the borders to the flood of illegals.

    Report from Dallas: “I have to laugh every time I see a repeat of Judge Jenkins on the news today . . . . . . Lying and saying “they” don’t need Dallas to take those 2,000 children . . . . .THEN THEY SHOW A CLIP OF THAT PROTEST OUTSIDE HIS OFFICE!!!


    View the complete post, including photos of protests, at:
    B. Steadman