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Military Leaders Turning Against We the People? -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

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  • Military Leaders Turning Against We the People? -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

    Military Leaders Turning Against We the People?

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    In the massive loss of freedoms and individual rights of the population during President Barack Obama’s almost complete Fundamental Transformation of America, who would notice that leaders of the U.S. military are now working against We the People?

    It isn’t the rank and file working against the people but some of their top Commanders.

    Take Vice Commander of the 89th Airlift Wing at Andrew Air Force Base Col. Preston Williamson IV, for example. Commander Williamson IV, who appears in Saturday’s departure to Martha Vineyard’s photos, walked the Obamas from Marine One. (Daily Mail, Aug. 9, 2014)

    Given what was going on during the Obama departure and recognizing that protocol is protocol, need Commander Williamson IV have looked quite so downright jolly?

    Departing for holidays wreathed in smiles at a time when civilians, including little children are being beheaded, crucified and buried alive by the Islamic State in Iraq, surely the Obama family was putting a smiley face on unspeakable tragedy.

    Then there’s former general and CIA boss David Petraeus, who in openly boasting at the recent Thatcher Conference on Liberty in London, that the United States of America is poised to be merged into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), was downright gleeful about it.

    Check the loathsome smirk Petraeus wears for the prospect of an America swallowed by NAFTA at the 5-minute mark on this telling YouTube.

    Many folk remember Petraeus for the embarrassing emails that outed his extra-marital affair with his own biographer when he should go down in history for welcoming the demise of the Constitution as a key anti-U.S. military figure in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations and the shadowy Bilderberg network.

    Here’s how Petraeus welcomes the future of mainstream Americans:

    “After America comes North America,” Petraeus said confidently in answering the question about what comes after the United States, the theme of the panel discussion. “Are we on the threshold of the North American decade, question mark? I threw that away—threw away the question mark—and boldly proclaimed the coming North American decade, says the title now.” He also boasted about how the three economies have been put “together” over the last 20 years as part of the “implementation” of the North American Free Trade Act.

    “The “highly integrated” forces of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, Petraeus continued, will become the world’s powerhouse for energy and science. “There are four revolutions that are ongoing at various levels in each of the countries but foremost in the United States,” said the former CIA chief, who now serves as chairman of the KKR Global Institute. “The energy revolution is the first of those, which has created the biggest change in geopolitics since the rise of China since 1978.” The other “revolutions” include IT, manufacturing, and life sciences, which, “as highly integrated as they are, allow you to argue that after America comes North America,” he added.

    “Petraeus, who resigned from leading the CIA “killing machine” in disgrace after his extramarital affair was exposed, also touted advances in genetics and especially robotics. He suggested robots would soon be displacing huge numbers of manufacturing workers across North America and even the world. Combined with the wave of illegal immigrants currently pouring across the southern U.S. border as part of what officials and critics have said is an orchestrated operation endorsed by the Obama administration, the competition for jobs, then, will become even more intense. Indeed, the wage gap between the United States and Mexico is narrowing. (Alex Newman, New American, June 27, 2014)

    “Petraeus also boasted about how the three economies have been put “together” over the last 20 years as part of the “implementation” of the North American Free Trade Act.

    The Democrats, who fought against Petraeus when he was defending the Iraq surge in 2007, got it wrong when they dubbed him ‘Betray-Us’ because when it comes to guarding America’s sovereignty, he’s Judas.

    Here’s another disturbing sign that military leaders are selling out freedom of religion.:

    ‘Bibles Destroyed in Afghanistan by…U.S. Military’. (ABC News, May 19, 2009).

    It’s not the rank and file but the leaders of the U.S. Navy who folded like the proverbial cheap suit by instructing housekeepers to remove Gideon-placed Bibles from every hotel room on its military bases after it received a letter from the atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).(CFP)

    “We were told today, June 23, 2014, that due to a new policy by the CEO of NEXCOM, Rear Admiral Robert J. Bianchi, we were to remove the Bibles from the rooms,” a housekeeper told AFA in an email. “They told us to put them in boxes, where they would be taken to a donation center somewhere.”

    NEXCOM (Navy Exchange Service Command) issued the directive to bases offering hotel accommodations, ordering them to impound Bibles from 34 Navy Lodge locations and 24,000 Navy Gateway Inns & Suites guest rooms on Navy bases worldwide.

    The directive orders lodge managers to contact base commanders and Chaplains and facilitate removing the Bibles and other “religious material currently in the guest rooms.”

    The Air Force tried unsuccessfully to remove Bibles from its lodgings in 2012, but after public outcry, the Air Force reversed itself.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman