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Obama secretly meets with Ferguson activists to tell them to 'stay on course'

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  • Obama secretly meets with Ferguson activists to tell them to 'stay on course'

    Ferguson protestors say it's 'inevitable' cop will NOT be charged with killing Michael Brown as they await grand jury decision- and Obama secretly meets with activists to tell them to 'stay on course'

    • Tensions rising ahead of anticipated grand jury decision in Missouri this week
    • Revealed that President Obama met with activists and encouraged them to continue their peaceful protests

    Daily Mail / Mail Online

    By Reuters and AP and MailOnline Reporter

    Protesters are gathering in support of Michael Brown in and around St. Louis as they nervously await what many believe will be an inevitable no-indictment vote in the coming days by a grand jury for the officer who shot him.

    Demonstrators held a 'die-in' Sunday to mark 100 days since the unarmed Ferguson, Missouri teen was killed. They also convened to, among other things, prepare for the imminent court decision by issuing 'rules of engagement' for police there for crowd control, the New York Times reports.

    Many of the the high-profile protesters met with President Obama and discussed the matter November 5, including Reverend Al Sharpton. It was a meeting the Gateway Pundit notes was not included on the president's daily schedule.

    Sharpton told the Times that Obama urged the group to 'stay on course.'

    Chilling: Snow falls on a memorial on the 100th day since the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson. A crowd of a couple hundred demonstrators took to the streets of St. Louis on Sunday

    '[Mr. Obama] was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we're doing all we can to keep peace.'

    A crowd of a couple hundred demonstrators, angry about the fatal August shooting took to the streets of St. Louis on Sunday, briefly blocking a major intersection in protest.

    Dozens of people lay down in the street outside of a downtown theater hosting a film festival, pretending to have been shot by other demonstrators playing the role of police officers in an action intended to evoke the memory of 18-year-old Brown, who died 100 days ago in front of his home in the suburb of Ferguson.

    Marchers went on to briefly block a major intersection near Washington University and the event ended without any of the violence that was seen in Ferguson following Brown's shooting death by police officer Darren Wilson.

    'This is a mature movement. It is a different movement that it was in August. Then it just had anger, justifiable anger,' said DeRay McKesson, a 29-year-old protest leader, as wet snow fell on the city. 'Now we are organized. We are strategizing. And we are going to bring our message to the power structure.'

    A grand jury, sitting in the county seat of Clayton,Missouri, is currently deliberating whether to bring criminal charges against Wilson. Many residents and officials in the region fear another wave of rioting similar to the one in August that led to the burning out of multiple businesses if the grand jury decides not to charge Wilson.

    'We are bracing for that possibility. That is what many people are expecting. The entire community is going to be upset,' if Wilson is not indicted, said Jose Chavez, 46, a leader of the local Latinos en Axion group.

    There have been conflicting witness accounts of the shooting, with some saying that Brown had his hands up in surrender while others have described it as a struggle between Brown and Wilson.

    Ferguson and its surroundings have been fairly quiet the last few days as both police and protesters plan their response to the grand jury's report.

    'We've decided not to wait for that decision. We've decided to get started,' said Rockit Ali, a 22-year-old organizer of Sunday's demonstration, who marched in a Spider-Man mask.

    While Sunday's event had been planned as a nonviolent action, Ali said that violence could not be ruled out if the grand jury finds Wilson without fault.

    What will happen? People watch as demonstrators march through the streets as people await a grand jury decision

    While Sunday's event had been planned as a nonviolent action, 22-year-old organizer Rockit Ali said that violence could not be ruled out if the grand jury finds Wilson without fault

    'Rioting and looting are the tools of those without a voice. The rioting and looting, while I didn't participate in it, was necessary. Without it we would not be standing here today,' Ali said. 'There is no revolution without violence.'

    From Boston to Los Angeles, police departments are bracing for large demonstrations when the grand jury decides.

    The St. Louis County grand jury, which has been meeting since August 20, is expected to decide this month whether Officer Darren Wilson is charged with a crime for killing 18-year-old Michael Brown after ordering him and a friend to stop walking in the street on August 9.


    View the complete article, including photos and video, at:
    B. Steadman