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Bombastic Police Chief Mark Kessler Worked With Feds To Bait Patriot Groups

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  • Bombastic Police Chief Mark Kessler Worked With Feds To Bait Patriot Groups

    Bombshell: Bombastic Police Chief Mark Kessler Worked With Feds To Bait Patriot Groups

    Birther Report



    On Tuesday former police chief Mark Kessler appeared on Fox News' The Alan Colmes Show and claimed all the video rants he produced were actually on behalf of the Federal Government. He says he contacted the Joint Terrorism Task Force and he was then put into operation by undisclosed federal agencies to bait patriot groups.

    Kessler says he wasn't paid for his work but was reimbursed for travel expenses. If you recall Kessler traveled to Missouri and attended the closed-door presentation given by Sheriff Arpaio's lead Obama investigator Mike Zullo.

    ( Video via Fox News. )

    Partial transcript via Fox News Radio: A Government Plot Against 2nd Amendment Supporters?

    KESSLER: I signed up with those agencies, several different agencies and began an operation where I was just a magnet. I was sent out there to attract the worst of the worst and frankly it worked.
    COLMES: You were sent out by whom?
    KESSLER: I was sent out for, well I can’t really say exactly who but, I was sent out by agencies to go out and attract and investigate, whatever I can do to find out who’s who and what’s what among these groups. When I say groups, I’m talking about Second Amendment groups, patriot groups, alleged patriot groups, militia groups.

    KESSLER: They were put out by me and they were put out by the people that I worked for at the time.
    COLMES: Were you not working for the police department of Gilberton PA?
    KESSLER: No I wasn’t
    COLMES: Were you working for the federal government?
    KESSLER: Yes, I can’t say what agency.

    KESSLER: I couldn’t tell anybody. I just couldn’t, it was complete deniability. I could not say a word to anyone about the operation. So again it was bigger than me. I’d seen an opportunity to advance my law enforcement career, and there was no way I was going to turn it down.
    COLMES: Is this the first time you revealed this?
    KESSLER: Yes absolutely, yep
    COLMES: Were you promised a job by somebody in the federal government to do this?
    KESSLER: No, it was volunteer work.
    COLMES: What was in it for you?
    KESSLER: I got to save a lot of lives, I can tell you that.

    KESSLER: I’m happy to say that we took down several plotted attacks that didn’t go through, we took down a group in Georgia. We took down a group in Texas.
    COLMES: Can you name any of the groups you took down?
    KESSLER: The Triple X Minutemen is one group.
    COLMES: Who are they?
    KESSLER: They are from the Georgia area, and they were planning to blow up a federal building.
    COLMES: Any other groups you can cite that you took down?
    KESSLER: We took some lone wolves down in Texas that were militia guys, I should’t say militia, they were wanna be terrorists.

    [Fox News Radio]

    ( Fox News.)

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman