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Dots Connected In Obama Passport Records Breach & Trip To Pakistan!?

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  • Dots Connected In Obama Passport Records Breach & Trip To Pakistan!?

    Pulitzer-Shattering: Dots Connected In Obama Passport Records Breach & Trip To Pakistan!?

    Birther Report



    Walid Shoebat's site published a pretty stunning report on Barack Obama and his jihadi-funding brother Malik Obama. connects dots from Obama's trip to Pakistan to the passport office breach to the IRS.

    In 1983 Obama worked as an editor for reported CIA linked Business International Corporation..

    Excerpt via Ben Barrack @ Shoebat:

    MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH In The Case Of Barack Obama And His Muslim Brother Malik

    There has been a major breakthrough in the case of Malik Obama. It may also help to explain why members of Congress, mainstream media, and shockingly, even the attorneys for Tea Party groups targeted by the IRS have chosen to ignore the earth-shattering scandal involving the President’s eldest brother. This new discovery reveals a mosaic of intrigue that has never before been presented. It’s a scandal with everything… and more.


    What you are about to read consists of previously reported data points but now also includes a key figure that eliminates much speculation when viewed in the context of these data points – the Executive Director in whose home was formed the Foundation headed by Barack Obama’s Muslim brother, Malik.

    The trail leads back to Barack Obama’s time at Columbia University and the Executive Director of the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), Alton Ray Baysden, a registered Republican with a 35-year career with the U.S. State Department and Intelligence Community, as has reported. Baysden’s field of operation included diplomatic security; he also worked in Karachi, Pakistan at a time when Barack was doing work for an employer that helped American businesses operate abroad. That employer also had a history of putting CIA operatives on their payroll, according to the New York Times.


    Before going back that far, take a look at a series of events that transpired over a five-week period in the spring of 2008, as Barack Obama was campaigning for President:

    Friday, March 21st: The Washington Post reports that three State Department contract employees breached the passport files of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain. Two of those employees are fired.

    Sunday, April 6th: At a fundraiser in San Francisco, Barack admits to traveling to Pakistan while in college. Stealing the headline, however, was the infamous Obama quote about conservatives who “cling to guns or religion”, leaving open the possibility that the latter quote was intentionally delivered to allow that Pakistan trip to fly under the radar or at least to take a back seat in the shock value department.


    Monday, April 7th: A man named A. Ray Baysden issues his only ever book review on Amazon. It is for a book entitled Immigration Chaos, written by immigration hawk Neville Cramer and Baysden gives it five stars. The contents of the book include revealing the corruption taking place at DHS. Again, why would such a person sign on with the Muslim brother of a pro-amnesty Presidential candidate in the same month?


    Tuesday, April 8th: After reaching out to the Obama campaign for clarity on the surprise admission by Obama that he visited Pakistan in college, ABC News reports the campaign said Obama traveled to Karachi, Pakistan for three weeks in 1981, the year he began attending Columbia University.

    Thursday, April 17th: Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., who is said to be a key witness in the case of the passport file breach at the State Department from weeks and months earlier is shot dead. Harris is found in his car outside a Washington, DC church and was said to have been cooperating with the investigation.


    Wednesday, April 30th: The date on the BHOF 501(c)(3) approval letter showing the retroactive date the foundation became tax-exempt. Baysden is identified as the Executive Director. It is not known if this is the date of the meeting in Baysden’s home, only that it’s the date of exemption. The actual meeting may have taken place earlier in the month.

    In 1984, Baysden was stationed in Karachi, Pakistan (his bio has a gap between 1980-88 so his time there could have spanned several years). Below are screenshots, presented by last year, that include the cover of a State Department directory for Key Officers of Foreign Posts, dated January, 1984. Alton R. Baysden is listed on page 55 as being stationed in Karachi, Pakistan. Note that the cover states it’s a “Guide for Business Representatives”. The relevance of this will be made known shortly: [...] Continued @ Shoebat.

    I encourage readers to go and read the complete report. Don't expect to read about it at any of these following news outlets; ABC News, CBS News, The New York Times, The Associated Press, Newsweek, Time, of Life.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman