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'Frightening' invasion of U.S. under way -- WND, Paul Bremmer

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  • 'Frightening' invasion of U.S. under way -- WND, Paul Bremmer

    'Frightening' invasion of U.S. under way

    'Today the Soviet Union has come to us'


    Paul Bremmer


    The parents of FrontPage Magazine Managing Editor Jamie Glazov were Christian dissidents in Leonid Brezhnev’s Soviet Union. The family fled the country in 1972, when Jamie was still a young boy, and thought they had left the USSR’s radical left-wing ideology behind forever.

    Until now.

    “I will tell you that we escaped the Soviet Union, but today the Soviet Union has come to us,” Glazov said in a May 2 speech at the 2015 Eagle Forum of California State Conference at Calvary Chapel Church in Costa Mesa. “And it’s very frightening, it’s depressing, it’s very, very scary for my family and for all of us to see what’s happening to the West.”

    Since the fall of Soviet communism, Islam has become the top threat to America and the West, said Glazov. But it’s hard for anyone to speak up and condemn Islamic violence without being called a bigot.

    “This is what is so frightening: When ISIS attacks, when Boko Haram attacks the little girls, when al-Qaida does what it’s doing, for some reason we have to go: ‘We’re sorry. We’re not racist. We’re not Islamophobic,’” Glazov told the audience.

    He said the left has strangely reversed the roles of victim and perpetrator. The former Soviet emigrant pointed to the town of Rotherham, England, which suffered through an estimated 1,400 cases of sexual assault by Pakistani Muslim rape gangs from 1997 to 2013.

    Most of the victims were young white girls. Rather than dealing with the crimes, local police and politicians covered them up for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

    Glazov charged that all those girls were sacrificed on the altar of “utopian leftist ideals.” He sees the Rotherham epidemic as analogous to some of history’s worst totalitarian slaughters.

    “For the sake of this leftist philosophy, Stalinism happened, Maoism happened, Khmer Rouge happened, and now the killing fields in the United Kingdom, where Muslim rape gangs are reading the Quran, reading the Hadith, which justify kidnapping and raping the [non-Muslim women], and they’re doing it,” Glazov said.

    “And we’re not allowed to say anything because, the way the left has shaped the discourse is, if we try to save the victims of Islamic gender apartheid, we’re racist.”

    Glazov pointed out that no one in the establishment media ever says “Islam,” plain and simple, is the problem. They all blame “radical Islam” or “extremist radical Islam.” But they ignore that the Quran justifies heinous sex crimes against innocent women.

    “Have you watched one program where they said, ‘Why have a million English girls been kidnapped and raped by Muslim rape gangs?’” Glazov asked. “And when did you ever see a guest like (Jihad Watch Director) Robert Spencer be invited and say: ‘Because of Sura 4:3 in the Quran. That’s why. And that’s why ISIS and Boko Haram point to that verse and all the other verses every time.’ But we’re not allowed to tell the truth.”

    Those who criticize Islam for its barbaric practices are often derided as Islamophobic hatemongers, but Glazov argued nothing could be further from the truth.

    “When you tell the truth about Islam, and when you tell the truth about what it teaches about slavery and subjugation of the kafir, you’re actually a loving human being who is supporting human rights and you also love Muslim people,” he said. “Because Muslim people are the victims of their totalitarian ideology.”


    View the complete Birther Report presentation, including link, photo and video, at:
    B. Steadman