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Ben Carson: Donald Trump 'Man of Accomplishment,' Has Place in 2016 Race -- Newsmax

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  • Ben Carson: Donald Trump 'Man of Accomplishment,' Has Place in 2016 Race -- Newsmax

    Carson: Donald Trump 'Man of Accomplishment,' Has Place in 2016 Race


    Sandy Fitzgerald


    Donald Trump has earned his place in the race for the White House as a man of "significant accomplishment," Dr. Ben Carson, himself a GOP candidate in 2016, said Wednesday morning on CNN.

    Carson said he is happy to be potentially sharing a debate stage with Trump, and that he welcomes him to the race.

    "He’s obviously a man of significant accomplishment, and we have a process whereby a lot of different individuals will have an opportunity to place forth their vision of what America should be, and we can analyze that vision with respect to what they have done in their lives and make a decision — that’s the beauty of the American political system," Carson told CNN "New Day" host Chris Cuomo.

    Trump is in second place in a new poll about the GOP field in New Hampshire, and Carson noted that "the numbers are going to jump around," but he's still happy for the real estate mogul.

    Carson also discussed America's controversy over the Confederate flag, saying people are fighting "wars" against each other and he is concerned that such divisions make the United States seem like a "dysfunctional society."

    "Just because we have a disagreement about something, it doesn't make us mortal enemies," the retired neurosurgeon told Cuomo. "We already have people on the outside who want to destroy us. Why do we want to destroy ourselves?"

    Meanwhile, the controversy over whether Confederate flags should be eliminated following last week's killings at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston has divided GOP candidates, and Carson, the sole African-American running for office, said he is not going to second-guess his challengers' opinions on the issue.

    "I think everybody responds in a way they feel is the most acceptable," he said. "I never try to predict or analyze what people are thinking. I think what we as Americans have to keep in mind, this is a pluralistic society. We have to live together."

    He said earlier this week that the flag "causes a lot of people angst and they are not able to see beyond that."

    Carson also spoke to CNN of moving into his Maryland home and having a neighbor put up a large Confederate flag in protest. Other neighbors, though, put up American flags and eventually, the man with the Confederate flag took his down, Carson said.


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    B. Steadman