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Investigative Journalist Talks Bombshell Exposé; Reveals Underbelly Of Obama Machine

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  • Investigative Journalist Talks Bombshell Exposé; Reveals Underbelly Of Obama Machine

    Report: Journalist Connects The Dots; Loretta Fuddy, Subud Cult, Bill Ayers, Obama Logo Designer

    Birther Report



    Loretta Fuddy, Subud, Bill Ayers, UIC’s Soviet propaganda guru, PLO, UN, the Obama logo designer and CIA’s MKULTRA
    By Alan Jones | July 13, 2015


    Loretta ‘Deliana’ Fuddy, former Hawaii state director of health and Subud USA national chairperson (2006-2008) coauthored an academic paper at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), as first reported by 1776 Channel.

    Subud is a spiritual practice (some call it a cult) that began in Indonesia, the childhood home of Barack Obama. A 1970s photo uncovered by 1776 Channel may show Obama’s alleged mother Stanley Ann Dunham at a gathering inside Subud’s Jarkarta, Indonesia headquarters.

    Fuddy’s step mother Marjorie Ireland Fuddy was born in Australia and worked as a computer programmer at the Hawaii Department of Health.

    Fuddy simultaneously managed large amounts of money for the Hawaii Department of Health and for SUBUD USA.

    Fuddy died following a bizarre Pacific ocean plane ‘crash’ off the coast of Molokai, Hawaii on December 11, 2013.

    UIC is the same university where radical communist domestic terrorist Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground was a professor.

    UIC Professor Emeritus of Art and Design History Dr. Victor Margolin and his wife Sylvia ‘Shoshanah’ Margolin live in the Chicago area and have long been members of Subud. Dr. Margolin has also worked as a professor in Havana, Cuba.

    The Margolins are are involved with Subud Chicago. Victor serves as treasurer.

    The mailing address on Victor Margolin’s résumé also appears in Subud USA corporate nonprofit filings.

    Victor Margolin, who graduated from Columbia University, is an expert on the history of political propaganda graphic design, and his Union Institute Ph.D. dissertation focused on the work of top Soviet propaganda graphic design artists.

    ‘Shoshanah’ Margolin was named Subud USA national chairperson in 2012, the position held by Fuddy from 2006-2008.

    ‘Shoshanah’ and ‘Deliana Antone’ a.k.a. Fuddy are listed as friends on facebook.

    ‘Shoshanah’ and ‘Deliana’ Fuddy both attended the Subud USA board of directors meeting in Portland, OR on November 10, 2010, 11 weeks before Fuddy was appointed Hawaii acting director of Health.

    Victor Margolin’s father Benjamin Margolin worked for Nelson Rockefeller and for the Pan American Health Organization (part of the United Nations).

    Victor Margolin’s mother Olya Margolin was involved in a scandalous 1976 secret meeting in Washington, D.C. with representatives of the P.L.O, uncovered by Wolf Blitzer at the Jerusalem Post.

    The name ‘Olga Margolin’, a spelling which was used in a federal document now hosted at to refer to Victor Margolin’s mother, also appears in a William Remington FBI file index of an espionage case involving accusations of passing secrets to a Soviet agent, but the actual file pages appear to be missing or redacted.

    Barack Obama 2008 campaign logo lead designer Sol Sender has given presentations at graphic design conferences in Chicago and China where Victor Margolin was also speaking.

    Margolin has known School of the Art Institute of Chicago professor Maud Lavin since the early 1990s. Lavin and Sender worked together “team teaching” graphic design classes as early as 2003.

    Sol Sender’s father Ramón Sender lived at a Northern California commune called “Morning Star Ranch” in Sonoma County with two members of the Indonesian Subud cult in 1966.

    Obama logo designer Sol Sender’s father Ramón Sender co-produced the “Trips Festival” with Ken Kesey (author of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”). Kesey was involved in the CIA’s PROJECT MKULTRA LSD experiments at the Menlo Park Veterans Hospital.

    Kesey was a close friend of Timothy Leary (broken out of jail by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn and the Weather Underground)

    Some researchers have suggested that Subud is an intelligence community cut-out for CIA mind-control experiments.

    Fuddy was in Southern California close to the time period when Obama attended Occidental College.

    ‘Shoshanah’ Margolin is facebook friends with Suzanna Dayne, who has done graphic design work for Subud Worldwide in Jakarta and has also worked with UNICEF on vaccine campaigns in Indonesia. Dayne has also worked with Voice of America, USAID, NBC and CNN.

    (1776 Channel) Have you ever wondered who took over as Subud USA National Chair after Loretta ‘Deliana’ Fuddy?

    The trail eventually leads to Chicago.

    A 1776 Channel investigation of former Hawaii Director of Health Loretta ‘Deliana’ Fuddy’s connections with Subud Chicago leads to Victor and Sylvia ‘Shoshanah’ Margolin, a married couple from Chicago: He’s a political propaganda graphic design expert at the university where Bill Ayers taught and she assumed Fuddy’s former position as Subud USA National Chair. [...] Continued @ 1776 Channel.

    Alan Jones is an investigative journalist who published a series of groundbreaking stories at the Washington Times Communities. Several of those stories were subsequently covered by other media outlets, including World Net Daily, Infowars, Daily Caller, and New American. - You can read Alan Jones previous reports ... ... ... .


    Listen Live: Investigative Journalist Talks Bombshell Exposé; Reveals Underbelly Of Obama Machine

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

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    Listen Live: Investigative Journalist Talks Bombshell Exposé; Reveals Underbelly Of Obama Machine

    Birther Report



    The Slimy Underbelly of the Obama Machine.
    ASK | BTR

    Jones lifts a rock in Indonesia and discovers a trail that leads to Chicago… and the White House.

    Investigative journalist Alan Jones has published a bombshell exposé that reveals the underbelly of the Obama machine. Jones introduces you to the multi-generational actors whose steady and unrelenting work has culminated in the hands of one of their own holding America's nuclear code.

    I think you’re going to want to hear this. Set aside some time, because this story will take you into a time warp that will positively blow your mind. You’ll need an org chart to keep up with this cast of unsavory characters, many of whom you’ve not heard of until now.

    “Tune in, turn on, drop out” — Timothy Leary, LSD Guru
    Tonight at 9p ET
    Listen LIVE or LATER

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    Show Call In Number: (646) 478-4604

    Alan Jones is an investigative journalist who published a series of groundbreaking stories at the Washington Times Communities. Several of those stories were subsequently covered by other media outlets, including World Net Daily, Infowars, Daily Caller, and New American. - You can read Alan Jones previous reports ... ... ... .

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at
    B. Steadman

