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Russia Claims North Pole, Plants Titanium Russian Flag on Floor of Arctic Ocean

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  • Russia Claims North Pole, Plants Titanium Russian Flag on Floor of Arctic Ocean

    Russia Claims North Pole for Itself, Plants Titanium Russian Flag on Floor of Arctic Ocean

    The Washington Free Beacon

    Morgan Chalfant


    Russia formally staked its claim Tuesday to a large portion of the Arctic Ocean that includes the North Pole, even planting a flag on the floor of the ocean below the area to exercise its control.

    The New York Times reported:

    If the United Nations committee that arbitrates sea boundaries accepts Russia’s claim, the waters will be subject to Moscow’s oversight on economic matters, including fishing and oil and gas drilling, though Russia will not have full sovereignty. Under a 1982 United Nations convention, the Law of the Sea, a nation may claim an exclusive economic zone over the continental shelf abutting its shores. If the shelf extends far out to sea, so can the boundaries of the zone. The claim Russia lodged on Tuesday contends that the shelf extends far north of the Eurasian land mass, out under the planet’s northern ice cap.

    While the United Nations dismissed a similar claim issued by Russia over a decade ago, citing lack of scientific evidence, the current claim is accompanied by data collected by Russian research vessels.

    Famed Russian arctic explorer Artur N. Chilingarov even traveled to the floor of the ocean just below the North Pole in a small submarine to remove a soil sample and plant a titanium Russian flag on the sea floor.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry posted a statement to its website regarding the issue, boasting of the “broad range of scientific data” Russia has accumulated to justify its claim.


    View the complete article, including image, at:
    B. Steadman