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Top White House Jester Plays Obama Birther Card On 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates

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  • Top White House Jester Plays Obama Birther Card On 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates

    Alinskied: Top White House Jester Plays Obama Birther Card On 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates

    Birther Report



    The Washington Post's Dana Milbank doing what he does best. Running cover for his buddy Obama's background.

    - White House visitor logs -

    This morning Milbank fired off a tweet pimping his latest syndicated column via The Washington Post:

    Milbank basically calls Scott Walker insane highlighting Walker's recent answer about Obama's religion.

    As headlined at Media Research Center:


    Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker got in trouble again for not falling prey to the lapdog media’s line of questioning.

    For some reason the media is really, really interested to see if Scott Walker thinks President Obama is a Christian.This past weekend at a fundraiser, Walker was asked yet again if he he could confirm Obama was a Christian and once again, Walker responded:

    “I’ve never asked him about that. As someone who is a believer myself, I don’t presume to know someone’s beliefs about whether they follow Christ or not unless I’ve actually talked with them.”

    “He’s said he is, and I take him at his word,” he added.

    This answer was unacceptable to the media elite who only want conservatives to have strong opinions on another person’s personal life if it is to trap them with a gotcha question.The Washington Post’s Op-ed columnist Dana Milbank wrote a scathing response to Walker’s answer, calling him a ‘birther.’

    Milbank snarked, “The furthest Walker would go was to “presume” that Obama is what he claims — and not the Kenya-born Muslim we all know him secretly to be.”

    Milbank called Walker’s statements part of the “GOP’s Calculated Crazy Talk” and implied Walker was mentally ill.

    “Was he under the influence of Koch? Or was it evidence of a deeper disorder? Whatever the cause, something made Scott Walker give birther to another round of conspiracy theory over the weekend,” Milbank wrote.[emphasis mine]

    This isn’t the first time the Post has made a hoopla over Walker’s innocuous response. [...] Media Research Center.

    Some headlines propagated from Milbank's syndicated column @ The Washington Post:

    Wisconsin State Journal:

    Sarasota Herald Tribune:

    Milbank's latest propaganda piece should earn him another visit to the White House:

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman