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Carly Fiorina: A liberal chameleon wearing conservative colors

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  • Carly Fiorina: A liberal chameleon wearing conservative colors

    Carly Fiorina: A liberal chameleon wearing conservative colors

    Is Carly Fiorina a liberal chameleon wearing conservative colors? And if she is, will it give Clinton what she needs to win the White House?

    Communities Digital News

    James Richard Edwards


    SAN ANTONIO, Sept. 29, 2105 – Carly Fiorina, candidate for the Repubican party’s nomination for president, has enjoyed quite a bounce in the polls since the most recent Republican debate. Ironically, however, Fiorina’s policy positions more closely mimic those of Democrats than those of Republicans.

    Fiorina will not be able to draw a distinct line between her and the Democrat candidate, which will lead to a repeat of 2008 and 2012, when millions of conservatives chose not to vote and a statist Democrat was elected president. If she is ever chosen as the Republican nominee, Fiorina would lose in a landslide due to all of her flip-flops and poll-driven policy decisions.

    For example, in 2013 Fiorina firmly and without question supported the individual mandate in Obamacare. The individual mandate is the requirement that all citizens purchase insurance or pay a penalty. A recent CNN article further clarified her position during a panel discussion on CNN’s “Crossfire” in 2013 about the law with former CNN host Stephanie Cutter. Fiorina said she supports keeping the requirement that every American purchase health insurance.

    “Now there is a requirement for people to take responsibility, which you know most people have insurance,” Cutter said. “So do you agree with the mandate idea? That is a Republican idea, came out of the Heritage Foundation. One of our co-hosts, Newt Gingrich, was behind it. And the ban on pre-existing conditions? Do you agree with those two provisions?”

    “I actually do agree with those two provisions,” Ms. Fiorina said.”

    The same CNN article stated that the Fiorina campaign clarified this by stating that she believes only that every American should be forced to purchase catastrophic health insurance. Fiorina, if president, would impose a mandate, but one that would allow Americans to purchase an insurance plan that covered only catastrophic disabilities, essentially Obamacare Lite.

    Any candidate that is not for repealing the entirety of Obamacare is not a conservative and should not be even in the discussion for the Republican nomination for president.

    It is also critically important to understand how liberal Fiorina’s record truly is on immigration.

    Fiorina ran for Senate in California in 2010, and in order to gain the support of many Hispanic groups she decided to support efforts to curb illegal immigration.

    First, she supported the DREAM act , which is amnesty for young illegals, noting, “I would support the DREAM Act because I do not believe that we can punish children who through no fault of their own are here trying to live the American dream.”

    In June of 2015, on the Morning Joe program on MSNBC, Fiorina said that she is open to granting legal status to adult illegal immigrants and citizenship to their children. “I think legal status is a possibility for sure . . . I think their children maybe can become citizens . . . But my own view is that it isn’t fair to say to people who have played by the rules … that you know it just doesn’t matter.”

    She has also been a supporter of the “Gang of Eight” bill, which was for amnesty and very weak border security that President Obama and the Democrats tried to ram through Congress a few years ago. For example, in February 2013 on Meet The Press she stated, “I applaud and salute the Gang of Eight`s proposal. Let`s move forward and vote on that.”

    Fiorina has recently come out against Donald Trump’s position on doing everything possible to end birthright citizenship, saying to an audience in Iowa this past month in regard to her position on the issue. “I’ve been very clear I don’t support deportation. I don’t support amending the Constitution or challenging the 14th Amendment.”

    Fiorina’s assertion implies that there is no question that the 14th Amendment provides for birthright citizenship, when this issue has never been decided by the Supreme Court and is the subject of much debate by legal scholars. It is dishonest to present the issue as if it has already been settled.


    View the complete article, including links and image, at:


    I plan on supporting DONALD TRUMP as Republican PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE in 2016

    I plan on reluctantly supporting political chameleon, CARLY FIORINA as VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE running with Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump

    I plan on supporting BEN CARSON as either SECRETARY OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES or SURGEON GENERAL in the Trump/Fiorina administration.
    B. Steadman