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The Quiet Power Behind the Trump Throne -- Politico, Michael D'Antonio

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  • The Quiet Power Behind the Trump Throne -- Politico, Michael D'Antonio

    The Quiet Power Behind the Trump Throne

    Ivanka Trump is her father’s most influential adviser, his most powerful surrogate—and his total opposite.


    Michael D'Antonio


    You will not find a wall adorned with framed magazine covers in Ivanka Trump’s office. For that sort of thing you’ll have to visit her father, who can look up from his desk and see himself beaming down from Time and Playboy. In fact, on the day we met for a conversation about my biography of Donald Trump, Ivanka, 33, had placed a framed article about herself on the floor. That’s not to say that the former model, and current fashion and real estate exec doesn’t revel in her fair share of the spotlight. Ivanka’s face has adorned magazine covers for years, from Seventeen to Shape to Harper’s Bazaar. But, unlike the father, the daughter seems so secure about herself and her prominence that she doesn’t need to brag. As the second-most famous member of a family that all but fetishizes good breeding—brother Donald Jr. calls it the “racehorse theory” of talent—Ivanka seems to be missing the desperation gene that drives her father’s constant pursuit of clicks and clippings.

    On the campaign, Ivanka Trump, who grew up playing in her father’s office, is his most influential adviser, his de facto first lady in waiting and his character foil: the cautious, measured power behind the striving, showy candidate. She was the first person Trump mentioned by name when Sean Hannity asked in August, “Is there anyone close to you that you count on most?” and the member of his inner circle whom he consulted during the Megyn Kelly imbroglio. And when Trump announced his candidacy in June, it was Ivanka who introduced her father, while his wife, the former Melania Knauss—a less public person save for her sometimes racy work as a fashion model—stood in the background. As the crowd cheered, the candidate’s daughter flashed a telegenic style that is more polished than her father’s blend of Archie Bunker and Jay Gatsby and far more self-assured. She is the softer, more refined side of the Trump brand and an antidote to the candidate’s abrasiveness.

    Father and daughter meet the world with vastly different styles. Where Donald speaks in a stream-of-consciousness manner that sometimes lurches into the absurd and often gets him in trouble, Ivanka is extremely careful in her public statements. She consistently strikes the proper notes when asked about her father, praising his record and avoiding controversy. She acknowledges that her father turns to her for advice and insists that she wouldn’t be where she is in life if her father didn’t “deeply believe in opportunities for women.” Yesterday, she told a forum in Washington that the Kelley-Trump dustup had been “sensationalized” and that “it didn’t interest me that much.” “Look, my father is very blunt,” she said last night during an interview with CNN. “He is not gender specific in his criticism of people.”

    Ivanka Trump never dwells on scandal and leaves the details of policy to her father. As she said last night, “I’m a businessperson, not a politician, so I’ll leave politics to other members of the family and the many, many people who are involved in the race on both sides.” At campaign events she speaks almost exclusively about her father’s “brilliance, his passion, his work ethic, and his refusal to take ‘no’ for answer.”

    On the rare occasions when Ivanka has plunged deeper into policy, she’s been both pro-women and pro-business. In 2010, she took to Fox News to calmly criticize President Barack Obama and his “anti-business rhetoric,” saying she’s “not overly supportive” of the president. But, like her father, Ivanka is fully capable of veering away from Republican gospel to say, for example—much as her close friend Chelsea Clinton might—that gender-based wage inequality is a serious problem. In 2013, in her most overtly political act prior to her father’s White House bid, she hosted a fundraiser for liberal Democrat Corey Booker’s successful U.S. Senate campaign. Even so, with her father now in the political spotlight, she has dutifully stood by him in even his most out-there moments: When her father was heaped with scorn for his birtherism—even now he won’t admit that Obama is truly an American—she refuted reports that she and her brothers told him to cool it.

    In a family that values loyalty, led by a patriarch who sees a world full of enemies, Ivanka is consistently on-message about her larger-than-life father. During our interview, when she spoke of him, Ivanka glanced upward, as if to heaven. (In fact, he works a floor above, and the gesture is also practiced by her two brothers, Eric and Donald Jr., who occupy space just down a well-lit hallway.) The Donald, as their mother and Trump’s ex-wife called him, hovers over the Trump Organization like the Goodyear blimp that was once tied to the mast of the Empire State Building. Inflated as he may be, Trump père will cast a huge shadow for as long as he lives. In the meantime, his adult offspring by his first wife, Ivana, each of whom holds the rank of executive vice president in the family business, are slowly taking command of different corners of the empire, which, depending on who does the counting, is worth from $5 billion to $10 billion. Ivanka’s areas of focus have been the Trump hotels and fashion-oriented businesses.


    View the complete article, including images, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Ivanka Trump: My Dad ‘Would Be Amazing for Women’ as President


    Josh Feldman


    After defending her father from accusations of sexism, Ivanka Trump appeared on CNN to say he would be “amazing” for women.

    Trump spoke to CNN’s Poppy Harlow, and in a preview that aired earlier today, she said her dad would be “incredible for women in this country” and has very clearly articulated his positions on the matter.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Ivanka Trump on Donald: 'Look, my father is very blunt'


      Jeremy Diamond


      Washington (CNN) Ivanka Trump, the daughter of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, dismissed the criticism that her father has faced over controversial comments he's made about women and their looks on Wednesday.

      The executive vice president at the Trump Organization said she believes those controversies were driven by "sensationalism" and "orchestrated largely by the media."

      "Look, my father is very blunt. He's very direct. He is not gender specific in his criticism of people, and people that he doesn't particularly like or people that he does like but thinks they're wrong on a particular issue," she said in an interview with CNN's Poppy Harlow. "So I don't think that he's gender-targeted at all. Like I said, I wouldn't be the person I am today, I wouldn't be a high-level executive within his organization if he felt that way."

      The billionaire businessman said Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly had "blood coming out of her wherever" when she posed tough questions during the first GOP debate and criticized GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's looks in a Rolling Stone profile.

      "Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?" he said.

      His daughter added that her dad will be "amazing" and "incredible for women in this country."

      Opinion: Trump loves women but do they love him?

      Ivanka Trump sat down with CNN at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, where the businesswoman also spoke about her "Women Who Work" initiative aimed at empowering working women and "celebrating the fact that women are multi-dimensional."

      "I do think there's this unfortunate and prevailing depiction of the working women as, you know, wearing a black pantsuit and being solely focused on her professional role. And that's just not true. And hopefully I can be a small part of changing the narrative around what it looks like to be a woman who works today," she said.

      .................................................. ...

      View the complete article, including image, at:
      B. Steadman

