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Judge: Texas can deny birth certificates for U.S.- born children of some immigrants

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  • Judge: Texas can deny birth certificates for U.S.- born children of some immigrants

    Judge: Texas can deny birth certificates for U.S.-born children of some immigrants

    Los Angeles Times

    Molly Hennessy-Fiske


    A federal judge ruled Friday that Texas officials can continue to deny U.S. birth certificates to the children of immigrants who cannot supply required identification because they entered the country illegally.

    Though children born in the United States are entitled by law to U.S. citizenship regardless of the immigration status of their parents, Texas authorities have been placing significant barriers to immigrants who have entered the country illegally and are seeking birth certificates for their U.S.-born children.

    In his ruling denying an emergency order sought by families, Judge Robert L. Pitman of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas in San Antonio said Texas officials can refuse to accept matricula consular cards, issued by Mexican consulates, as a form of identification to obtain birth certificates for U.S.-born children.

    “While the Court is very troubled at the prospect of Texas-born children, and their parents, being denied issuance of a birth certificate,” Pitman wrote, “Texas has a clear interest in protecting access to that document.”

    Although Pitman noted the families’ attorneys had “provided evidence which raises grave concerns regarding the treatment of citizen children born to immigrant parents,” he said the court needed more evidence before issuing the emergency injunction they had sought.

    The case comes at a time when birthright citizenship for the children of immigrants, enshrined in the Constitution, has been challenged by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and other conservatives.

    Republican Texas Atty. Gen. Ken Paxton praised the ruling as “an important first step in ensuring the integrity of birth certificates and personal identity information.”

    “Before issuing any official documents, it’s important for the state to have a way to accurately verify people are who they say they are through reliable identification mechanisms,” Paxton said in a statement.


    View the complete article, including image, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Along the border, who's an 'anchor baby' is a guessing game

    Los Angeles Times

    Molly Hennessy-Fiske


    The mother arrived at the hospital last week in need of an emergency caesarean section, saying she had crossed the border to run an errand in town, not so her baby would be born an American citizen.

    She assured the doctor that she arrived at the hospital just "because [she] was here."

    Dr. Rolando Guerrero listened skeptically. "They always have a story," he said after delivering her 8-pound boy, Dylan.

    Doctors here at Starr County Memorial Hospital deliver about 30 babies a month, including those of mothers in the country illegally, hospital officials said. In this county in the heart of the impoverished Rio Grande Valley, so-called anchor babies have been delivered for decades, some to women who have already settled in Texas, others to those who crossed the river expressly to give birth on U.S. soil.

    "About six months ago I got one who was literally still wet from the river," Guerrero said.

    Sometimes pregnant Mexican women arrive at the nearby border bridge. "They'll find a Border Patrol agent on the banks and say, 'I need help,' because they know they're going to get the care," said Dr. Javier "Jake" Margo Jr., president of the local medical society. "It's a strain on the physicians and the smaller hospitals."

    The phenomenon has become a focus of the Republican presidential battle, with both Jeb Bush and Donald Trump questioning the motives of immigrant mothers who give birth after traveling to the U.S. And some residents complain that the children are a drain on taxpayer-supported social services.

    But the issue is often not so black-and-white here. Many families have relatives scattered on both sides of the border, and people often live and work across the mostly unmarked line as if it weren't there.

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

