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Listen Live: Obama Impeachment Call To Action; Congressman Said Impeach On BC Issue

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  • Listen Live: Obama Impeachment Call To Action; Congressman Said Impeach On BC Issue

    Listen Live: Obama Impeachment Call To Action; Congressman Said Impeach On Birth Certificate Issue

    Birther Report



    Impeachment Call To Action Impeachment speaker needed?
    WOBC | BTR

    JB Williams and Karen Bracken will provide us with an update on the impeachment program just off the heels of Stephen Pidgeon and his Impeachment report on One America News Network.

    Wikipedia--"During the Obama presidency, republican congressmembers have stated that Obama may have engaged in impeachable activity and may face removal from office. Rationales offered for impeachment have included an alleged White House cover-up after the 2012 Benghazi related American deaths.

    In May 2010, Republican Issa of Calif. said the allegation the White House had offered Pennsylvania Representative Joe Sestak a job to persuade Sestak to drop out of the Penn. senate election against Arlen Spector "is one that everyone from Arlen Spector to Dick Morris has said is in fact a crime, and could be impeachable". With the possibility of becoming chairman of the Oversight and reform committee in January 2011, Issa said in October 2010 that the committee would not seek to impeach Obama.

    In August 2011, Republican Congressman Michael Burgess of Texas stated that the impeachment of Barack Obama "needs to happen" in order to prevent Obama from "pushing his agenda". Burgess did not mention any grounds for impeachment. In June 2012, Senator Joe Kyl said on the Bill Bennett radio show that "impeachment is always a possibility" when discussing the Obama policy on immigration

    May 2013: James Inhofe, Benghazi attack reason for impeachment.

    Blake Farenthold said at a town hall said Obama should be impeached on birth certificate issues.

    Kerry Bentivolio would like to write articles of impeachment, a dream come true"

    This broadcast will be live. Open phone lines.

    Show Broadcast Live Tonight (10/26) At 8:30 PM ET
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    Show Call In Number: 347-989-8853
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    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    >>> STOP talking and DO IT <<<

