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If Syrians are escaping ISIS, why don’t they take a 2 hr. ride to Latakia or Tartus

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  • If Syrians are escaping ISIS, why don’t they take a 2 hr. ride to Latakia or Tartus

    If Syrians are really escaping ISIS, why don’t they take a 2 hour ride to Latakia or Tartus, why do they walk for weeks to Berlin or Stockholm?

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.


    It is time to debunk this garbage propaganda that we have to take the refugees because they are escaping ISIS.

    First, according to statistics 80% of the refugees are not from Syria, they are coming from all over the Middle East, Africa and even Asia, seeking generous welfare payments and high wages in Europe and US. Out of 800,000 refugees who already flooded Europe, only about 160,000 came from Syria.

    But let’s go further. If they are truly trying to escape ISIS, why not make a much easier 2 hour ride to Latakia or Tartus or 4 hour ride to Damascus? ISIS is only in the North-Eastern Syria, it did not take over the whole country. People, who do not want to live under ISIS rule, can easily leave that area of the country and move west or south, where there is no ISIS, where it is still their native country, people speak the same language and practice the same way of life.

    .................................................. ........

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Russians, British and French men did not run away and fought NAZIs, why are healthy Syrian men running away and not fighting ISIS in Syria?

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.


    It is time to speak up the truth. Look at their picture below (shown in original post) of Syrian refugees arriving in the US. These are not starved children. These are healthy, well fed young men. During the WW2 Russian, British and French men did not run away to China or Africa or South America. They stood their ground and fought NAZIs for their land. Why aren’t these healthy young Syrian men fighting for their land, why aren’t they fighting ISIS in Syria?

    Moreover, what did we do during other conflicts. During wars and famine in Africa we sent cream of wheat and medicine to starving and wounded Africans. Why aren’t we sending cream of wheat and medicine to Syria? Why are we importing healthy Syrian men to sit on welfare here and possibly slaughter us as they did in France?


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

