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The Purge: To Ban Or Not To Ban; That Is The Question -- Birther Report

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  • The Purge: To Ban Or Not To Ban; That Is The Question -- Birther Report

    The Purge: To Ban Or Not To Ban; That Is The Question

    Birther Report



    The Purge: To Ban Or Not To Ban; That Is The Question

    The answer: Yes.

    You're done here Doxxer Conspiracy. Not because of your positions on Obama's life-story or identity documents, but because of your far left intimidation tactics.

    You're banned Doxxer Conspiracy.

    Have a wonderful day!


    Fighting for the Right to Remain Anonymous

    Fortunately, the First Amendment is on our side. It protects the right to anonymous speech. The right isn’t absolute, but it protects those who choose to remain anonymous when engaging in lawful speech. Some of our nation’s founders—James Madison and Alexander Hamilton—wrote their most influential papers behind the shield of anonymity. Why? So they wouldn’t face political persecution at the hands of the British, and so their ideas could be evaluated on their merit rather than on the identity of the speaker. [...] ACLU.

    That is via the Liberal ACLU!

    And some more:


    Many people don't want the things they say online to be connected with their offline identities. They may be concerned about political or economic retribution, harassment, or even threats to their lives. Whistleblowers report news that companies and governments would prefer to suppress; human rights workers struggle against repressive governments; parents try to create a safe way for children to explore; victims of domestic violence attempt to rebuild their lives where abusers cannot follow.

    Instead of using their true names to communicate, these people choose to speak using pseudonyms (assumed names) or anonymously (no name at all). For these individuals and the organizations that support them, secure anonymity is critical. It may literally save lives.

    Anonymous communications have an important place in our political and social discourse. The Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that the right to anonymous free speech is protected by the First Amendment. A frequently cited 1995 Supreme Court ruling in McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission reads:

    Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society.

    The tradition of anonymous speech is older than the United States. Founders Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote the Federalist Papers under the pseudonym "Publius " and "the Federal Farmer" spoke up in rebuttal. The US Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized rights to speak anonymously derived from the First Amendment.

    The right to anonymous speech is also protected well beyond the printed page. [...] EFF.

    Doxxer CON must have fell off the left side of the train and bumped his big head.

    Perhaps Doxxer CON could get one of these:

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman