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Exceptional Measures Against Jihad -- FrontPage Mag, Kenneth R. Timmerman

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  • Exceptional Measures Against Jihad -- FrontPage Mag, Kenneth R. Timmerman

    Exceptional Measures Against Jihad

    The real way to defeat the Jihadis.

    FrontPage Mag

    Kenneth R. Timmerman


    As I listened to French president Francois Hollande over the weekend, I was struck by the familiarity of the ritual phrases he used to signal the French response to the well-orchestrated terror attacks that swept through my old neighborhood in Paris on Friday the 13th like a moveable feast of impotence and death.

    “France will be merciless toward the Daesh barbarians,” the president declaimed, referring to the Islamic State by its Arabic-language sobriquet. “France will act with all the legal means at its disposal.”

    As I recall, that’s the same thing Hollande said in January after another group of jihadi Muslim terrorists assaulted the editorial offices of the satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo, murdering journalists, cartoonists, and a security guard.

    Ten months later, what “merciless” steps have the French government taken against Daesh. Have they done anything to staunch the flow of young French Muslims traveling to Syria who plan to continue their jihad against the “infidel” West after they return to Europe?

    The Direction de Surveillance du Territoire (DST), the French equivalent of the FBI, maintains a registry of “radicalized” young Muslims, known as “S-cards.”

    The French S-registry contains no fewer than 16 nuances of radicalization and other threats to national security, from S-1 to S-16. They distinguish between jihadis of a Salafist bent (al Qaeda and ISIS), and those obedient to the Islamic Republic of Iran, among others. Hand it to the French for identifying 16 different flavors of potential homicidal maniacs.

    Many of the perpetrators of recent terrorist attacks in France had S-cards. And yet, the DST never brought them in.

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    He also spelled out one concrete measure. “I’ve asked that all persons with S cards be placed under house arrest,” he told Nice Matin. Let’s see if that actually happens.

    Step two should be a no-brainer, but no one has dared say it out loud: round up the radical imams and deport them. If they have no other nationality, then jail them on charges of sedition.
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    Remember President Obama explaining to an uncomprehending public that the U.S. military had given Osama Bin Laden a burial at sea to preserve his “dignity” and so not to offend Muslims? What dignity is due a wanton murderer of innocents?

    Imagine if we had buried Osama Bin Laden with a pig carcass and broadcast the video? Or if each time we blast an al Qaeda or ISIS leader with a drone we send in special operations troops to gather up his remains to give them an appropriate burial and post the video on YouTube?

    We will not win the war against the barbarians by playing nice. You want exceptional measures? Defeat the jihadis by robbing them of their ultimate victory: their dream of paradise.

    View the complete article, including image, at:
    B. Steadman