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‘What’s Wrong’ With Banning Muslims ‘Before They Blow Something Up Over Here?

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  • ‘What’s Wrong’ With Banning Muslims ‘Before They Blow Something Up Over Here?

    Fox’s Starnes: ‘What’s Wrong’ With Banning Muslims ‘Before They Blow Something Up Over Here’?


    Elizabeth Preza


    Fox News’ Todd Starnes defended Donald Trump‘s proposed Muslim ban Tuesday, writing in a Facebook post that it’s “better to vet them over there – before they blow something up over here.”

    Trump released a statement Monday calling for “the total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Despite receiving significant backlash from Democrats and Republicans alike, Trump doubled down on his proposal Tuesday, telling CNN’s Chris Cuomo, “We have no choice but to do exactly what I said until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

    “Donald Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration has caused anger and righteous indignation from Democrats and Republicans,” Starnes wrote, adding that even with the political condemnation, “a good many folks across the fruited plain support Mr. Trump’s plan.”

    Starnes said the backlash around Trump’s “prudent” plan is an example of “politics trump[ing] common sense,” writing:

    “What’s wrong with temporarily suspending Muslim immigration from countries harboring Islamic radicals?

    Would it not be better to vet them over there – before they blow something up over here?”

    Starnes ended his post by calling Trump the “product of a leadership vacuum” within the Republican party, lamenting, “if you want to blame somebody for Mr. Trump’s candidacy — you can blame Establishment Republicans.”


    View the complete article, including image, at:
    B. Steadman