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Here is how the GOP will lawfully not choose Trump as their GOP Nominee

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  • Here is how the GOP will lawfully not choose Trump as their GOP Nominee

    Here is how the GOP will lawfully not choose Trump as their GOP Nominee -- Hat Tip to 'PS137'.

    The following is an excerpt of PS137's comment to the Birther Report post titled: Video: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Hammers Alan Colmes; Obama's Birth Certificate Is A Fraudulent Document

    Link to the BR post --

    Here is how the GOP will lawfully not choose Trump as their GOP Nominee.

    Pursuant to GOP rules, in order to be the nominee a candidate must have 51% of the votes which will in turn gives the candidate 51% of the delegates. The candidate must also have won a majority of the delegates in at least eight of the states that will have voted before the convention.

    Usually, (in every election since about the 1950s, the nominee has secured the 51% needed to secure the nomination before the convention and has walked into the convention as the nominee).

    Right now, the polls indicate that Trump has been polling at between 25 to 35% on his good days and the rest of the percentages have been divided among the 14 other candidates in the race. As it stands now, by the time the convention takes place at least ten of the other candidates will have delegates pledged to them making it impossible for Trump to have the 51% needed to secure the nomination before the convention takes place.

    This situation triggers a brokered convention wherein all delegates including those pledged to Trump are freed from their commitments to the candidates and are free to pledge their delegate votes to anyone they choose.

    At that point, all the “good ole boy” Republican leadership, (of which Trump is not a part or friend of), has to do is call on their old friends for favors, spread around a little money and/or good jobs, approve bills that will benefit certain states or people and if needed twist a few arms to assure that delegates (which of course the GOP leadership has awarded with these prestigious and perk filled delegate positions in the first place), vote for the candidate who is the choice of the GOP leadership which is definitely not Trump.

    It’s just that simple folks.

    The reason that Trump and Carson are threatining to start their own party is because they believe that even though they do not have, and most likely will not have, the 51% needed to secure the nomination by convention time, they say it is clear to them and everyone else that their polling numbers are light years beyond the others and that hence, even in a brokered convention the GOP leadership if it is being fair, should sway the required 51% of the delegates to Trump. (I believe that Carson is threatening to leave the party with Trump in order to be Trumps VP nominee)

    B. Steadman