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2016: The ‘Year of Hope’ -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

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  • 2016: The ‘Year of Hope’ -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

    2016: The ‘Year of Hope’

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    It’s finally here, virtue of the fullness of time. If, like hurricanes, years were named, 2016 would be the ‘Year of Hope’.

    All patriots should begin the New Year by girding up for political battle. The Democrats, who sanctimoniously believe they own a Karl Marx-given right to rule the masses, won’t relinquish power without an epic push.

    They come smugly out of the starting gate with the likes of (Do the Right Thing) Google leading the charge for shop-worn, Saul Alinsky advocate Hillary Clinton.

    In this now past year, the over-the-holidays taunting of President Barack Obama peaked with another two Executive Orders: The White House is putting finishing touches on several measures in an effort to make progress on curbing gun violence; as the nation was preparing to ring in the New Year, President Barack Obama was making ready a colossal new executive action that could print-up work permits for a huge number of foreign white-collar graduates every year, above and beyond the levels set by Congress.

    Obama’s going out on a wave of spite.

    This is a Commander in Chief who has already pledged to ‘squeeze every ounce of Change’ out of his last year in office, boasting: “That’s what I intend to do.”

    Over seven years, the plea for money has already gone from “Just $3 more” to “Just $16, or “whatever you can give” more, putting the the squeeze for more money up front, peppering the week between Christmas and New Year’s for more ready cash.

    But even the imperious Obama knows full well the destiny of 2016: “When the sun comes up tomorrow, we’ll be in an election year. I’m counting on you to make sure Democrats start it off strong. (See email below)

    “Become one of the final three 2016 Victory Donors we need from Beverly Hills by chipping in $16 or more before midnight.”

    No president, let alone a faux messiah like Obama can own America, bought and paid for in blood before he happened along

    Much of the behind-the-curtain drama of Obama originates with bravado. He and the Democrats count on Americans losing both heart and hope. Ever fomenting for a Utopia that doesn’t exist, they want folk running around repeating that “America is finished!”; “There’s no coming back!”.

    While it seems to many that Barack, Michelle and Valerie Jarrett have been squatting on the White House forever, it’s only been for seven of the last 239 years.

    No president, let alone a faux messiah like Obama can own America, bought and paid for in blood before he happened along.

    Because of the unique passion and patriotism that held America up as a beacon to the world for 239 years, America will NEVER be finished.

    It is Obama and his minions who are finished. With no legal way on the books for him to go for a third term, he has no choice but to walk away from the Fundamental Transformation of America arena.

    He’s leaving behind patriots battered, bludgeoned and very much up against it, but not without enough spirit to fight off the installation of a Hillary Clinton or a Jeb Bush.

    America belongs to its patriots and not to a community street organizer-cum-career politician, operating on anti-American spite.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman