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Textbook sales leader says Common Core education standards are 'all about the money'

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  • Textbook sales leader says Common Core education standards are 'all about the money'

    EXCLUSIVE: Textbook sales leader says national Common Core education standards are 'all about the money' as teacher insists bureaucrats created a 'new f**king system that f**king sucks to sell more books'

    • Conservative muckraker group Project Veritas caught a textbook sales executive and a New York teacher talking about Common Core standards
    • 'I hate kids,' confessed the textbook sales leader. 'I'm in it to sell books. Don't even kid yourself for a heartbeat'
    • Hidden camera video shows teacher hammering the program as a 'bulls**t' system designed 'to sell more books'
    • 'Oh my god, it's all a money game. It's all a money game,' she said
    • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt fired the sales executive Tuesday morning after told the company about the video

    Daily Mail

    By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For


    The guerrilla video crew that exposed Obamaphone cheaters and shut down the left-wing advocacy group ACORN is at it again, this time hammering the 'Common Core' education standards as a scheme for publishers to sell more textbooks.

    The West Coast sales manager from one of the nation's biggest school book sellers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, told an undercover muckraker with Project Veritas that 'I hate kids.'

    'I'm in it to sell books,' Dianne Barrow said of her advocacy for Common Core. 'Don't even kid yourself for a heartbeat.'

    She added that 'it's all about the money. What are you, crazy? It's all about the money.'

    'You don't think that the educational publishing companies are in it for education, do you? No, they're in it for the money.'

    Bianca Olson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's senior vice president, confirmed Tuesday morning that Barrow 'has been terminated.' That followed a phone call in which read Barrow's statements to her verbatim.

    Harsh words from educators also won't help the K-12 Common Core system's advocates.

    'It's a joke,' a Brooklyn, New York teacher Project Veritas identified as Jodi Cohen said on the group's hidden camera.

    'It's bulls**t and the thing is, what they do is they create some new f**king system, that f**king sucks to sell more books and then we have to learn something new with the students.'

    Cohen, like Barrow, believes that the Common Core system is a marketing bonanza for textbook publishers.

    'Oh my god, it's all a money game. It's all a money game,' the cynical educator said.

    .................................................. ..................

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-12-2016, 10:04 PM.
    B. Steadman