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Video: It DOES matter greatly that OBAMA was born in KENYA!

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  • Video: It DOES matter greatly that OBAMA was born in KENYA!

    Video: It DOES matter greatly that OBAMA was born in KENYA!

    Uploaded by bsteadman1 on Jan 8, 2012

    View the video at:

    Whenever you hear or read about someone saying:

    "It doesn't matter where Obama was born", or "The discussion about Obama's birthplace is just a diversion" -- THINK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING!

    The individuals making statements like these, most of whom are very intelligent, concerned and well-meaning patriots, are making the 'EASY' choice, by concentrating their efforts on just one part of the complete requirements for 'natural born Citizen', by focusing solely on 1875 'Minor v. Happersett'. That Supreme Court case confirmed that in order for an individual to be classified as a 'natural born Citizen', he or she needed to be born of two parents, who themselves were BOTH either 'native born' or 'naturalized' American citizens at the time of the child's birth.

    Unfortunately, this 'LIMITED' approach dangerously over-simplifies this complex matter and, if pursued exclusively, may result in some unforeseen and very tragic results.

    I think a 'BALANCED' approach to addressing the entire 'Obama Problem' is a far safer and more effective strategy to having him legally removed from office. For example, in addition to the challenge to him involving the traditional, Two Parent Citizen' NBC requirement, the following challenges should be simultaneously pursued:

    • Obama's possible fraudulent posting of a forged Hawaiian long form birth certificate on the official White House website on April 27, 2011
    • His possible fraudulent use of a Connecticut Social Security Number
    • His possible fraudulent Selective Service registration
    • His actual birth in Kenya, as shown on the 'Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate'

    Please view the linked video to learn more about how we should best proceed on this important issue.

    It DOES matter greatly that OBAMA was born in KENYA!

    OBAMA - The Marxist, 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa!

    Use the authentic 'Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate' as a simple, powerful, supremely incriminating tool to convince the American People to ratchet up the pressure on the Kenyan usurper!

    See also: 'The Most Important Political Discussion of 2012 will be Held Here on the Dynamic 'InspectorSmith' Forum'
    B. Steadman