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Video: Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment Goes Nationwide (13 July 2013)

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  • Video: Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment Goes Nationwide (13 July 2013)

    Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment Goes Nationwide (13July2013)

    This is a quick update on progress with the Impeach Obama movement. On June 8th there was an overpass rally in Carlsbad, California that received national attention, because a local reporter claimed, exaggerated or not, that that it caused a ten-mile traffic jam.

    James Neighbors of Oklahoma was inspired to start a national organization called Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment. FaceBook groups have been started in all 50 states and several dozen local groups have been established in cities, towns and counties across the US. Independence Day was the kick-off. In the last 10 days, at least 20 demonstrations have taken place across the country, in California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, Illinois, North Carolina and other states.

    This is the first organization that has successfully demonstrated for Obama's impeachment across the nation. The experience has been described as exhilarating, because such open criticism has been long suppressed.

    Participants give many reasons that Obama should be impeached and removed from office. In general, an overview can be described as the following:

    He has blatantly lied to the America public about serious matters, such as the Benghazi attack, and has violated his oath of office, failing to uphold the Constitution. He makes law by diktat with executive orders, rather than enforcing the law, as it was written by Congress. He has waged war without Congressional authorization and ordered the assassinations of three American citizens without due judicial process. He does not appear to even be constitutionally eligible for the office he holds. The political leadership of both parties made an exception to the requirements for him.

    The formation of these groups has just begun and it will take some time to build up the membership and to organize. To find out more about the Impeach Obama movement, just search FaceBook, Google or YouTube for "Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment. Additional links will also be found in the "about" section of this YouTube video.

    Impeach Obama Coalition - Directory of Groups

    Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment Home Page
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    I joined this group and several others from facebook . If they have a demonstration near me I will go .

