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Video: 5th GOP Presidential Debate, Las Vegas, NV, Full, 12/15/2015

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  • Video: 5th GOP Presidential Debate, Las Vegas, NV, Full, 12/15/2015

    Fifth GOP Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas 12/15/2015

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Republican Debate Grades: Trump Actually Won This Time

    Breitbart / Big-Government

    Ben Shalpiro


    Tonight’s Republican debate did little to shift the field. After tonight, Donald Trump will remain the frontrunner; Jeb Bush will continue to bring up the rear; John Kasich will continue to be the boil festering on the ass of the American public.

    The debate did, however, highlight weaknesses with some of the second-place contenders – all of whom hope to overcome Trump with a bit of luck and a lot of their fellow candidates dropping out.

    Without further ado, here are my debate grades. Remember, I don’t give pluses or minuses for purposes of clarity. There’s no grade inflation here.

    Donald Trump: A. Yes, dear Trumpian readers, this is the grade you’ve given Trump for every debate. But this time I actually agree. Every debate comes down to moments. Trump had several of them that were simply grand. He looked reasonable in his policy on Libya and Syria – not in small part because the far more fluid Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) agreed with him. He looked hard-core on ISIS – not in small part because Senator Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) didn’t agree with him. He looked tough on immigration. And most of all, he continued to beat Jeb Bush like a redheaded stepchild who dropped his stepdad’s prized Tom Landry-signed football in the outhouse. The exchange that mattered most to Trump came when Jeb said that Trump couldn’t insult his way to the presidency. Au contraire, said Trump: “I’m at 42 and you’re at 3. So far, I’m doing better.” Then he continued, pointing at the middle of the stage, “You started off over here, Jeb. You’re moving over further and further. Pretty soon you’re going to be off the end.”

    That’ll leave a mark.

    Yes, Trump fudged on the nuclear triad. But nobody outside of Hugh Hewitt and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) cares about that.

    Ted Cruz: B. Cruz bested Marco Rubio in several exchanges, and he prevented Donald Trump from going off on him. For that, he gets a B. He had a couple of solid lines, particularly when he stated that the Obama administration’s foreign policy had been disastrous not because of incompetence, but because of malicious political correctness. But he seemed unable to distinguish his immigration plans from Rubio’s, and when he was asked directly by Rubio about whether he’d grant citizenship to illegal immigrants, he said he didn’t intend to do so. That’s lawyer-talk for “maybe.” Trump is now outflanking him on the right on immigration. Tonight Cruz looked strong, but Rubio dirtied him.


    View the complete article, including image, at:
    B. Steadman

