Venezuela Now!

Canada Free Press, by Dr. Alexander Nussbaum — April 3, 2019


My late father had the privilege of living in a socialist paradise, Stalin’s Soviet Union. He had many stories of the wonders he saw. Unfortunately I was young and stupid and did not record all of them. He could go on for literally hours, and I thought I would have a father forever.  I remember only four, which I will relate. For while Liberals refuse to acknowledge an objective past, Conservatives carefully learn its lessons.

Comrades trying to survive a brutal Russian winter were not provided enough wood to keep themselves warm. A beautiful new wooden fence was built, slave labor of course. At night everybody passing by would, under penalty of death, remove a plank. The piece of wood provided enough heat to keep them alive a little longer. Soon the fence was gone.

This is the future of your children and grandchildren in Ocasio-Cortez’s “peoples republic”

Toilet paper was too good for the comrades. My father’s family, his parents and siblings, were already exterminated by the Germans (with the complicity of all of Europe) by this point. He was with his closest living “relative”, an uncle by marriage. Paper in any form was not available, but the official communist writings, attributed to Stalin, were sold very cheaply. This man got the idea to buy a bunch of these pamphlets and use them as toilet paper.  Except the authorities got suspicious why he was buying so much. They called him in for questioning, Of course if the true reason came out, he would be executed.  Using quick wits, he said he bought them to distribute to children and survived.


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2 Responses to Venezuela Now!

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Doctor Zhivago, Movie Trailer, 1965

    Video link —

  2. Bruce Steadman says:

    If You Like Socialism, You’ll Love the VA

    Cradle-to-grave care for American veterans and their families. How’s it working out?

    Wall Street Journal / Opinion
    by Karl Zinsmeister
    April 2, 2019


    Socialism is in the air—a green, wired, mindful, glossy-lipped movement that’s going to usher in free college, free health care and heavily followed Instagram accounts for all. It’s presented as new and futuristic, but there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. In one corner of Washington, socialism has been a living, breathing reality for decades. Just go visit the Department of Veterans Affairs.


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