1st day of Christmas 2015 with Barack Obama: conclusions, observations and hypotheses

Nandi Bear spotted in Obama's Kenya

Kenyan Nandi Bear spotted at Nandibear.com?

For some societies (e.g., Dominican Republic) and cultures the first day of Christmas begins on December 1st so please don’t let yourself get all conclusion-addicted in thinking that it just can’t be.

After several years of reading and writing about Kenyan born Barack Hussein Obama II, politics, current events, eligibility litigation, natural born citizen, birthers and obots I’ve learned that it’s best to be cautious and prudent when forming and stating conclusions.

Perhaps there was a time long ago (long before I was born) when there may have been some benefit to quickly forming conclusions.  If there was then it may have been around the same time that common sense really and truly made any sense at all.

Swift conclusions and common sense (I invariably cringe each time that I hear the phrase being used) may have served useful purposes for hunters and gathers and other early human societies but they are valueless and ineffective in the year 2015.

I’ve never been an advocate of the common sense phrase but I have, at least in writing, used the word conclusion more often than was warranted.

Henceforth here at the WOBIK Blog I will strive to use words such as observation and hypothesis when applicable and in lieu of conclusion.

Directly below are Merriam-Webster and Oxford Dictionary definitions for:


Merriam-Webster: a final decision or judgment : an opinion or decision that is formed after a period of thought or research

Oxford dictionaries: a judgment or decision reached by reasoning

Directly below are Merriam-Webster and Oxford Dictionary definitions for:


Merriam-Webstera judgment on or inference from what one has observed; broadly : remark, statement

Oxford dictionaries: a remark, statement, or comment based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed


Merriam-Webster: an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further study or discussion

Oxford dictionaries: A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation… and… a proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth

However, there are a number of conclusions which I am categorically certain of and among them are Barack Hussein Obama II’s birth in Mombasa and the 2009-certified copy of his 1961 Certificate of Birth from the Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya.

Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so.

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5 Responses to 1st day of Christmas 2015 with Barack Obama: conclusions, observations and hypotheses

  1. Bruce says:

    From the post:

    Swift conclusions and common sense (I invariably cringe each time that I hear the phrase being used) may have served useful purposes for hunters and gathers and other early human societies but they are valueless and ineffective in the year 2015.

    However, there are a number of conclusions which I am categorically certain of and among them are Barack Hussein Obama II’s birth in Mombasa and the 2009-certified copy of his 1961 Certificate of Birth from the Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya


    You make some excellent observations, and I have long (since the summer of 2009) shared your ‘categorically certain’ conclusion regarding BHO-II’s birth at the CPGH Hospital in Mombasa rather than in Hawaii as he claims. – http://www.wasobamaborninkenya.com/1961%20Kenyan%20Birth%20Certificate%20of%20Barack%20Hussein%20Obama%20II,%20Copy.pdf

    The authentic ‘LDS, Obama Kenyan BC” has received over 46,000 views on the main WOBIK website alone! – http://www.wasobamaborninkenya.com/

    I think one of the main reasons that ‘common sense’ is not working very well for the general public in the year 2015, ESPECIALLY REGARDING OBAMA’S AUTHENTIC KENYAN BC, is accurately and concisely explained by the very astute, Ms. Attkisson, in the following short video.

    That is, the American public, likely including even some conscientious members of the MSM, is being intentionally and professionally fed an insideous diet of lies and confusing misinformation regarding many important topics, including Obama’s Kenyan Birth!

    Hard, detailed, time-consuming research must often be done on subjects of special importance if one is to learn the TRUTH behind the professionally promoted facade. The general public doesn’t have the time or ability to do this, and this unfortunate fact is very understandable to me. They are trying to support themselves and their families, raise children and have a little fun as time permits.

    — Nothing inherently wrong with that, except we are now in especially DANGEROUS TIMES.

    Sharyl Attkisson, Former CBS Reporter, Exposes Media Manipulation, Internet Shills & Astroturfing

  2. Bruce says:

    I think that sometimes, even highly intelligent, conscientious individuals can draw the WRONG CONCLUSION regarding important topics if they fail to take the time and effort to do the required background research.

    When this happens, the consequences can be EXTENSIVE and TRAGIC!

    For example:


  3. Bruce wrote:

    Hard, detailed, time-consuming research must often be done on subjects of special importance if one is to learn the TRUTH behind the professionally promoted facade. The general public doesn’t have the time or ability to do this, and this unfortunate fact is very understandable to me. They are trying to support themselves and their families, raise children and have a little fun as time permits.

    @ Bruce:

    You make some excellent points in your comments. I also understand about the detailed research and how time consuming and difficult it can.

  4. EDIT: The night before last when I published this report I some how unintentionally cut/deleted the following important sentence prior to publication:

    Henceforth here at the WOBIK Blog I will strive to use words such as observation and hypothesis when applicable and in lieu of conclusion.

    This sentence preceded the Merriam-Webster and Oxford Dictionary definitions.

    I’ve edited the report with bold red text to indicate text that was not published in the original.

  5. BobJ says:

    LLDS has never been to Kenya. He has never left the western hemisphere. Prove me wrong and I will apologize.

    I stand by my conclusion, as it was reached by observation. My hypothesis remains supported.

    LLDS has always disappointed those who love him. A damn shame, really.

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