7 Signs Trump Will Landslide 2020

Townhall, by Kevin McCullough — March 3, 2019


If the 2020 election were held today President Donald Trump would win by a bigger margin than in 2016, carrying the most number of states since the Re-election of President Ronald Reagan.

I say this because like I did two years before Barack Obama was elected, I saw trends that added up to a significant win, I noted them in this column, and they occurred in near complete detail. 

In 2016 with polls and every media pundit, and even many of his own supporters doubting the outcome of the election, I predicted the map that would match the election night result minus one western state and one congressional district in Maine.

As in those two cases I’m not claiming some sort of prescience. Rather I’m saying the momentum on the ground seems to tell us something different than perhaps what social media, old media, recent history or even traditional political logic would seem to indicate will happen.

It won’t come without a major amount of hard work. (Something then Candidate Trump demonstrated in 2016 in greater abundance all while spending far less money than his opponent.) But the signs point to an enormous win.

Here’s some of what I see:


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