‘Black Panther’ Mirage Proves Obama Set Race Relations Back Decades

Breitbart / Big-Hollywood
by John Nolte


Did you know that this year marks the 20th anniversary of a black actor portraying a Marvel superhero in a big budget studio film?  No, I am not writing about Black Panther from the future. No, you have not Rip Van Winkle’d to the year 2038. The truth is that this is the 20th anniversary of Blade, a $45 million Marvel superhero movie distributed by New Line (which was part of Time-Warner) that starred Wesley Snipes, a black man.

Blade was also a hit in 1998, going on to gross $131 million. Two sequels soon followed. Blade II arrived in 2002 with a $54 million budget and a $155 million gross. Oh, and Blade II was not directed by a white guy, but by Guillermo del Toro, who is Mexican, so…

Welcome to the 16th anniversary of a black man starring as a Marvel superhero in a big budget studio film directed by a member of a racial minority. Two years later, the Blade franchise sadly came to an end with Blade: Trinity — a $65 million flick that grossed a disappointing $129 million. But everyone pretty much agrees it was ruined by a white guy — Ryan Reynolds.

How can this be, you might ask? How can this specific racial milestone be 20-years-old when we are celebrating 2018’s Black Panther as a milestone, as the first big budget studio film with a black actor portraying a Marvel superhero?

Is it all lies?  Is it all a hustle? Is it all politics? Is it all BS?

Yes — yes, it is.

It is also an indication of just how much race relations regressed during the toxic Obama years.


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One Response to ‘Black Panther’ Mirage Proves Obama Set Race Relations Back Decades

  1. Bruce says:

    Three 4/5/2018 comments to the posted article:

    American 57:

    Obama never cared about Black people, he used them as tools for his Marxist agenda just like very stinking liberal politician uses them. And yet some black people think that the liberals are their mentors and heroes. I wish they would get their minds out of the plantation mentality

    amagi (replying to American 57):

    I absolutely agree. It is about division, pitting rich against poor, color against white, men against women. You name it. Identity politics is about Marxism, period. Fomenting revolution is their agenda. I almost forgot, gay/trans against straight.

    futureuser @ mindspring.com (replying to amagi)

    For the radical Marxists, “race relations” is not “progress”; it is a ROADBLOCK. The Marxist wants to stir up anger, resentment, envy, bitterness, and revenge — because these hateful emotions block logical thinking. No logical person can realistically believe that encouraging race wars, revolutions, and godless, soulless “utilitarianism” would be a utopia — only for the few at the top, and then only until they themselves lose control in the next round of chaos.

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